大约有 16,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0406秒) [XML]


how do I use the grep --include option for multiple file types?

... --include flags. This works for me: grep -r --include=*.html --include=*.php --include=*.htm "pattern" /some/path/ However, you can do as Deruijter suggested. This works for me: grep -r --include=*.{html,php,htm} "pattern" /some/path/ Don't forget that you can use find and xargs for this so...

Get The Current Domain Name With Javascript (Not the path, etc.)

...uestions/11401897/get-the-current-domain-name-with-javascript-not-the-path-etc Then we can get the exact domain with following properties of location object: location.host = "www.stackoverflow.com" location.protocol= "http:" you can make the full domain with: location.protocol + "//" + locatio...

Copy entire contents of a directory to another using php

...ing recursively I found in this note on the copy documentation page: <?php function recurse_copy($src,$dst) { $dir = opendir($src); @mkdir($dst); while(false !== ( $file = readdir($dir)) ) { if (( $file != '.' ) && ( $file != '..' )) { if ( is_dir($s...

Checking to see if one array's elements are in another array in PHP

I have two arrays in PHP as follows: 7 Answers 7 ...

Python equivalent for PHP's implode?

Is there an equivalent for PHP's implode in Python? I've read in and split up a set of delimited words, and now I want to sort them out in random orders and print the words out with spaces in between. ...

PHP substring extraction. Get the string before the first '/' or the whole string

I am trying to extract a substring. I need some help with doing it in PHP. 15 Answers ...

How to generate XML file dynamically using PHP?

...runtime. Please help me in generating the below XML file dynamically using PHP. 7 Answers ...

Get fragment (value after hash '#') from a URL in php [closed]

How can i select the fragment after the '#' symbol in my URL using PHP? The result that i want is "photo45". 10 Answers ...

get UTC time in PHP

How can I get UTC/GMT +/- time stamp using PHP's date() function? For example, if I try 12 Answers ...

Is it possible to create static classes in PHP (like in C#)?

I want to create a static class in PHP and have it behave like it does in C#, so 6 Answers ...