大约有 2,260 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0266秒) [XML]


Running Bash commands in Python

...r((i=1;i<=$#;i++)); do # Arrays are Bash-only array[i]+=123 done''', shell=True, check=True, executable='/bin/bash') A subprocess is separate from its parent, and cannot change it A somewhat common mistake is doing something like subprocess.run('foo=bar', shell=Tru...

Pretty-print C++ STL containers

...sert("hello"); j.insert("world"); double k[] = { 1.1, 2.2, M_PI, -1.0/123.0 }; std::cout << i << "\n" << j << "\n" << k << "\n"; } It currently only works with vector and set, but can be made to work with most containers, just by expanding on the IsConta...

How to sort my paws?

... 123 +50 Alright...

RESTful Authentication

...c.html HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.org Cookie: theme=light; sessionToken=abc123 The cookie technique itself is HTTP-linked, so it's not truly RESTful, which should be protocol-independent, IMHO. It is vulnerable to MiM or Replay attacks. Granted via Token (OAuth2) An alternative is to put a token...

How to become an OpenCart guru? [closed]

...y of key => value pairs. As an example $this->data['example_var'] = 123; Accessing this in a view is a little should be easy to understand if you're familiar with the extract() method which converts each key into a variable. So the example_var key becomes $example_var and can be accessed as...

Repeat String - Javascript

...sive algorithm (also called "divide and conquer") is on a string of length 123,457. On my FreeBSD computer this algorithm, implemented in the stringFill3() function, creates the string in 0.001058 seconds, while the original stringFill1() function creates the string in 0.0808 seconds. The new functi...

For-each over an array in JavaScript

... 123 Loop backwards I think the reverse for loop deserves a mention here: for (var i = array.leng...

How to find list of possible words from a letter matrix [Boggle Solver]

... for letter in word.lower(): if 97 <= ord(letter) < 123: nextNode = curNode.children[ord(letter) - 97] if nextNode is None: nextNode = TrieNode(curNode, letter) curNode = nextNode curNode.isWord = True...

insert vs emplace vs operator[] in c++ map

...will overwrite the previous value if one exists. – dk123 Sep 30 '13 at 9:47 ...

Refresh image with a new one at the same url

...ing javascript to change your image's 'src' property from (e.g.) image.jpg#123 to image.jpg#124 (or whatever, so long as the bit after the '#' changes). Could you clarify what it is you're reloading, and why? – Doin Dec 26 '15 at 20:28 ...