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常用Linux命令详解(持续更新) - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
[root@KEDACOM ~]# ls
NRU_CMU_DISK_SIZE_NOTIFY2008 anaconda-ks.cfg install.log install.log.syslog
[root@KEDACOM ~]# ls -a
.bash_histor .bash_profile .cshrc .ssh NRU_CMU_DISK_SIZE_NOTIFY2008 install.log .bash_logout .mys...
How to get first element in a list of tuples?
>>> a = [(1, u'abc'), (2, u'def')]
>>> [i[0] for i in a]
[1, 2]
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initialize a vector to zeros C++/C++11
...eed initialization lists for that:
std::vector<int> vector1(length, 0);
std::vector<double> vector2(length, 0.0);
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How to grant remote access permissions to mysql server for user?
answered Jun 4 '11 at 20:17
Michael BerkowskiMichael Berkowski
246k3636 gold badges408408 silver badges359359 bronze badges
grant remote access of MySQL database from any IP address
edited Jan 17 '13 at 13:10
50k2121 gold badges9595 silver badges140140 bronze badges
answered Dec...
Remove characters from C# string
answered Sep 14 '11 at 5:03
Albin SunnanboAlbin Sunnanbo
43.5k88 gold badges6363 silver badges100100 bronze badges
How to install a previous exact version of a NPM package?
I used nvm to download node v0.4.10 and installed npm to work with that version of node.
10 Answers
Best way to make Java's modulus behave like it should with negative numbers?
...the negative values of a, since (a % b) is a negative value between -b and 0, (a % b + b) is necessarily lower than b and positive. The last modulo is there in case a was positive to begin with, since if a is positive (a % b + b) would become larger than b. Therefore, (a % b + b) % b turns it into s...
How to add a ScrollBar to a Stackpanel
304k7575 gold badges627627 silver badges640640 bronze badges
How to install Boost on Ubuntu
You can use apt-get command (requires sudo)
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
Or you can ...