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初窥InnoDB的Memcached插件 - 大数据 & AI - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...插件目录我们能看到innodb_engine.so和libmemcached.so: mysql> SELECT @@plugin_dir; +------------------------------+ | @@plugin_dir | +------------------------------+ | /usr/local/mysql/lib/plugin/ | +------------------------------+ 此外还需要导入Memcached插...

Find index of last occurrence of a sub-string using T-SQL

...X, followed again by REVERSE to restore the original order. For instance: SELECT mf.name ,mf.physical_name ,reverse(left(reverse(physical_name), charindex('\', reverse(physical_name)) -1)) from sys.master_files mf shows how to extract the actual database file names from from their "physic...

Sqlite: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is in GMT, not the timezone of the machine

...a unix timestamp 1092941466, and compensate for your local timezone. SELECT datetime(1092941466, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'); That didn't look like it fit my needs, so I tried changing the "datetime" function around a bit, and wound up with this: select datetime(timestamp, 'localtime') That...

T-SQL split string

...ers on StackOverflow but none of them works in R2. I have made sure I have select permissions on any split function examples. Any help greatly appreciated. ...

Removing “NUL” characters

...id work was closely related: Open your file in Notepad++ Type Control-A (select all) Type Control-H (replace) In 'Find What' type \x00 In 'Replace With' leave BLANK In 'Search Mode' Selected 'Extended' Then Click on 'Replace All' ...

How to drop SQL default constraint without knowing its name?

...MySchema' set @table_name = N'Department' set @col_name = N'ModifiedDate' select @Command = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @schema_name + '.[' + @table_name + '] DROP CONSTRAINT ' + d.name from sys.tables t join sys.default_constraints d on d.parent_object_id = t.object_id join sys.columns c on c.object_id ...

How to create Android Facebook Key Hash?

...of your app on facebook. To get there, go to developers.facebook.com/apps, select your app, go to Edit settings and scroll down. After that, wait a few minutes until the changes take effect. share | ...

How to fetch the row count for all tables in a SQL SERVER database [duplicate]

... EXEC sp_MSForEachTable @command1='INSERT #counts (table_name, row_count) SELECT ''?'', COUNT(*) FROM ?' SELECT table_name, row_count FROM #counts ORDER BY table_name, row_count DESC DROP TABLE #counts The output will be a list of tables and their row counts. If you just want the total row count...

Why do we need fibers

... each. Think about it: normally all the Enumerable methods, including map, select, include?, inject, and so on, all work on the elements yielded by each. But what if an object has other iterators other than each? irb(main):001:0> "Hello".chars.select { |c| c =~ /[A-Z]/ } => ["H"] irb(main):00...

How to read the output from git diff?

... On my mac: info diff then select: Output formats -> Context -> Unified format -> Detailed Unified : Or online man diff on gnu following the same path to the same section: File: diff.info, Node: Detailed Unified, Next: Example Unified...