大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0213秒) [XML]


TCP 的那些事儿(上) - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...如果在一定时间内没有收到的TCP会重发SYN-ACK。在Linux下,默认重试次数为5次,重试的间隔时间从1s开始每次都翻售,5次的重试时间间隔为1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s,总共31s,第5次发出后还要等32s都知道第5次也超时了,所以,总共需要 1s +...

Check orientation on Android phone

...anything, because nothing is changing, because the launcher has locked the screen orientation and doesn't allow it to change. So it is correct that .orientation doesn't change, because the orientation hasn't changed. The screen is still portrait. – hackbod Fe...

如何抓住痛点做出让用户尖叫的产品 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术


CGRidCtrl控件 学习心得 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...ID,作为本次创建的控件对象的标识 dwStyle:控件风格,默认值为:WS_CHILD | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE。 常用风格请参见下表: 控件风格ID 说明 WS_CHILD 说明窗口为子窗口 WS_OVERLAPPED ...

OceanBase使用libeasy原理源码分析:服务器端 - 数据库(内核) - 清泛网 - ...

...nn_list_node; // file description // default_message_len 默认是16, 大小是8KB, first_message_len默认是2, 大小是1KB // libeasy对于每个连接收数据的时候,如果上次对于这个连接已经收到了1个或者n个完整的包(easy_request_t对应于...

How to find the operating system version using JavaScript?

...wig) */ (function (window) { { var unknown = '-'; // screen var screenSize = ''; if (screen.width) { width = (screen.width) ? screen.width : ''; height = (screen.height) ? screen.height : ''; screenSize += '' + width + " x " +...

搭建高可用mongodb集群(二)—— 副本集 - 大数据 & AI - 清泛网 - 专注C/...

...laveOk=false", "code" : 13435 } at src/mongo/shell/query.js:128 #mongodb默认是从主节点读写数据的,副本节点上不允许读,需要设置副本节点可以读。 repset:SECONDARY> db.getMongo().setSlaveOk(); #可以看到数据已经复制到了副本集。 repset:SECONDARY>...

How can I save a screenshot directly to a file in Windows? [closed]

In Windows XP, one can press Alt-PrintScreen to copy an image of the active window, or Ctrl-PrintScreen to copy an image of the full desktop. ...

How to detect user inactivity in Android

...Count down timer starts and logs out user after 5 mins OR user turns the screen OFF. ----> Count down timer starts and logs out user after 5 mins ...

Linux下部署企业级邮件服务器(postfix + dovecot + extmail) - 开源 & Gith...

...编译安装postfix 从配置简单方面考虑,我们根据postfix的默认配置条件进行新建用户等,以免漏掉某些修改,导致的一些麻烦 1、建立postfix用户,并且指定UID,GID为2525,组postdrop groupadd -g 2525 postfix useradd -g postfix -u 2525 -s /sbin/n...