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iPhone Simulator location

... Simulator: ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/ You can browse simulator files from that directory in Mac OS X. share | improve this...

Google Play app description formatting

I've made an Android application that is available on Google Play. Now I want to add some more formatting to my app description (eg. indent, links, lists..). But I cannot find any website where possible formatting is listed. Google Help pages cannot help me either on this subject. There exists a lot...

Net::SMTPAuthenticationError when sending email from Rails app (on staging environment)

I am sending email from my Rails application. It works well on development environment, but fails on staging. I get the following error: ...

Mac SQLite editor [closed]

...e is miles better than the experience of using any of the "cross-platform" apps on a Mac. http://menial.co.uk/software/base/ I recommend you buy a license before the developer realizes he is charging too little for it. UPDATE: Since December 2008, Base is now up to version 2.1, it has become an e...

How can I call controller/view helper methods from the console in Ruby on Rails?

... that's not included by default (say, because you removed helper :all from ApplicationController), just include the helper. >> include BogusHelper >> helper.bogus => "bogus output" As for dealing with controllers, I quote Nick's answer: > app.get '/posts/1' > response = app...

Proper way to renew distribution certificate for iOS

... I revoke it now and request a new one? If I do that than will all my live apps be taken down? 5 Answers ...

Google Play on Android 4.0 emulator

... Download Google apps (GoogleLoginService.apk , GoogleServicesFramework.apk , Phonesky.apk) from here. Start your emulator: emulator -avd VM_NAME_HERE -partition-size 500 -no-audio -no-boot-anim Then use the following commands: # Remount in...

Node.js/Express.js App Only Works on Port 3000

I have a Node.js/Express.js app running on my server that only works on port 3000 and I'm trying to figure out why. Here's what I've found: ...

How to delete an app from iTunesConnect / App Store Connect

I submitted a brand new app to AppStore and it got rejected by the Lords ... (nothing new there). What I want to do is delete that app completely from my itunesconnect account. I don't know what apple recently changed but in the past once the app was rejected I use to see a "delete" button on the su...

How to know if user is logged in with passport.js?

...ext(); } else { res.redirect('/login'); } } And use it: app.get('/orders', loggedIn, function(req, res, next) { // req.user - will exist // load user orders and render them }); share | ...