大约有 6,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0324秒) [XML]
Can a variable number of arguments be passed to a function?
...r k,v in kwargs.iteritems():
print "%s = %s" % (k, v)
myfunc(abc=123, efh=456)
# abc = 123
# efh = 456
And you can mix the two:
def myfunc2(*args, **kwargs):
for a in args:
print a
for k,v in kwargs.iteritems():
print "%s = %s" % (k, v)
myfunc2(1, 2, 3, banan=123)
Elements order in a “for (… in …)” loop
var obj = { a:1, b:2, c:3, "123":'xyz' };
/* log1 */ lineate(obj);
obj.a = 4;
/* log2 */ lineate(obj);
delete obj.a;
obj.a = 4;
/* log3 */ lineate(obj);
gist or test in current browser
Safari 5, Firefox 14
["a:1", "b:2", "c:3", "123:xyz"]
Fastest way to check if a string matches a regexp in ruby?
This is a simple benchmark:
require 'benchmark'
"test123" =~ /1/
=> 4
Benchmark.measure{ 1000000.times { "test123" =~ /1/ } }
=> 0.610000 0.000000 0.610000 ( 0.578133)
=> "1"
Benchmark.measure{ 1000000.times { "test123"[/1/] } }
=> 0.718000 ...
Remove a symlink to a directory
ah yes. that makes sense. I never typed foo, I typed f<tab> and bash filled in a / for me.
– Matthew Scouten
Python-equivalent of short-form “if” in C++ [duplicate]
Is there a way to write this C/C++ code in Python?
a = (b == true ? "123" : "456" )
4 Answers
Converting a string to an integer on Android
int i=Integer.parseInt(s.replaceAll("[\\D]", ""));
If you need first number combination then you should try below code:
String s="abc123xyz456";
int i=NumberFormat.getInstance().parse(s).intValue();
C# Regex for Guid
...g styles, which are all equivalent and acceptable formats for a GUID.
Update 1
@NonStatic makes the point in the comments that the above regex will ...
How do I read text from the (windows) clipboard from python?
win32clipboard.SetClipboardText('testing 123')
# get clipboard data
data = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData()
print data
An important reminder from the documentation:
display: inline-block extra margin [duplicate]
White space affects inline elements.
This should not come as a surprise. We see it every day ...
Tracking the script execution time in PHP
Shorter version of talal7860's answer
// At start of script
$time_start = microtime(...