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Find element's index in pandas Series

... 10 Answers 10 Active ...

UITextfield leftView/rightView padding on iOS7

... 90 Was just working on this myself and used this solution: - (CGRect) rightViewRectForBounds:(CGRe...

How to efficiently concatenate strings in go

... 880 New Way: From Go 1.10 there is a strings.Builder type, please take a look at this answer for mo...

How does RegexOptions.Compiled work?

... 304 RegexOptions.Compiled instructs the regular expression engine to compile the regular expression...

Best practices/guidance for maintaining assembly version numbers

...context we use TeamCity and Subversion/Git. TeamCity is free for a small (10) number of projects and is a very good build server but there are others, some of which are completely free. What a version number means What a version means to one person may mean something different to another, the gene...

The cast to value type 'Int32' failed because the materialized value is null

...where there can be unexpected nulls in different places. ...DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(0) can help in this (quite simple) case, where there might be no elements and sql's SUM returns null whereas c# expect 0. A more general approach is to use ?? which will be translated to COALESCE whenever there is a r...

Android Hello-World compile error: Intellij cannot find aapt

...set up with an Android development environment using IntelliJ in Ubuntu 12.04. I create an Android Application Module, but when I try to build, I get the following error: ...

Difference in System. exit(0) , System.exit(-1), System.exit(1 ) in Java

...seful to know if something went wrong and what went wrong. Exit code is 0 when execution went fine; 1, -1, whatever != 0 when some error occurred, you can use different values for different kind of errors. If I'm correct exit codes used to be just positive numbers (I mean in UNIX) and according...

Iterate a list with indexes in Python

...e this [3, 7, 19] and makes it into iterable list of tuples, like so: [(0,3), (1,7), (2,19)] to use it instead of: 6 An...

Drop shadow for PNG image in CSS

...s for IE. .shadowed { -webkit-filter: drop-shadow(12px 12px 25px rgba(0,0,0,0.5)); filter: url(#drop-shadow); -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Dropshadow(OffX=12, OffY=12, Color='#444')"; filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Dropshadow(OffX=12, OffY=12, Color='#4...