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Is it possible to specify your own distance function using scikit-learn K-Means Clustering?

... Here's a small kmeans that uses any of the 20-odd distances in scipy.spatial.distance, or a user function. Comments would be welcome (this has had only one user so far, not enough); in particular, what are your N, dim, k, metric ? #!/u...

Stop all active ajax requests in jQuery

I have a problem, when submitting a form all active ajax request fail, and that triggers error event. 16 Answers ...

Force IE compatibility mode off using tags

I am doing work for a client who forces compatibility mode on all intranet sites. I was wondering if there is a tag I can put into my HTML that forces compatibility mode off. ...

Creating JS object with Object.create(null)?

...t.create(null) doesn't inherit from anything and thus has no properties at all. In other words: A javascript object inherits from Object by default, unless you explicitly create it with null as its prototype, like: Object.create(null). {} would instead be equivalent to Object.create(Object.prototy...

Reading a huge .csv file

... You are reading all rows into a list, then processing that list. Don't do that. Process your rows as you produce them. If you need to filter the data first, use a generator function: import csv def getstuff(filename, criterion): with ...

Is there a way to crack the password on an Excel VBA Project?

...y best to explain how it works - please excuse my English. The VBE will call a system function to create the password dialog box. If user enters the right password and click OK, this function returns 1. If user enters the wrong password or click Cancel, this function returns 0. After the dialog bo...

Is there any difference between “foo is None” and “foo == None”?

... Hmmm, I think your link changed, unless you were interested in how to call external functions from python – Pat May 4 '12 at 20:39 ...

How can I maximize a split window?

... a reputable source, I'm going to hold that as your personal preference, really. I'm usually not using them, but I've recently found I'm using them for thigns like this (maximizing a sidebuffer temporarily; doing power stuff like having multiple disjoint side-by-side diffs in a single vim session). ...

How can mixed data types (int, float, char, etc) be stored in an array?

... @texasbruce also called a "tagged union". I'm using this technique too in my own language. ;) – user529758 Sep 2 '13 at 16:50 ...

Super-simple example of C# observer/observable with delegates

... The observer pattern is usually implemented with events. Here's an example: using System; class Observable { public event EventHandler SomethingHappened; public void DoSomething() => SomethingHappened?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empt...