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How to drop all user tables?

... Being new to Oracle and I'm more familiar with MySQL; reseting a DB seems difficult. IN MySQL a USER is separate to a DATABASE. DROP USER username CASCADE worked for me. But in MySQL all I would have to do is DROP DATABASE and create a new one – gawp...

为什么说自媒体到了最危险的时期? - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...、资金等需求只是第一个层面的需求,更深层次的需求是如何找到适合自己的发展道路,平台不仅仅是输血,更多是要引导和一起探索。 目前能够做这件事情的,只有BAT。在现有BAT的布局中,阿里热衷于投资媒体,百度目前有...

When to use a key/value store such as Redis instead/along side of a SQL database?

.... I did recently for one gps tracking system which was previously built on mysql as a database. ADVANTAGE Every time the tracker broadcast data I do not need to open mysql connection and store on it. We can save it on redis and later migrate to mysql using some other process. This will avoid conc...

Null vs. False vs. 0 in PHP

...or a data value that doesn't exist in the database or is unknown. See dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/working-with-null.html or en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null_%28SQL%29. – Eli Dec 5 '12 at 3:39 ...

How do I UPDATE from a SELECT in SQL Server?

... @CharlesWood yeah. I have the same question in MySQL. It would be great if someone knows how to implement it to MySQL and share with everyone. I'm sure lots of people are looking for a MySQL version solution – Roger Ray Nov 27 '13 at...

How to implement LIMIT with SQL Server?

I have this query with MySQL: 18 Answers 18 ...

setting multiple column using one update

How to set multiple columns of a table using update query in mysql? 2 Answers 2 ...

How can I transform string to UTF-8 in C#?

... If you want to save any string to mysql database do this:-> Your database field structure i phpmyadmin [ or any other control panel] should set to utf8-gerneral-ci 2) you should change your string [Ex. textbox1.text] to byte, therefor 2-1) define byte[]...

How to change a nullable column to not nullable in a Rails migration?

... This worked for me. Using MySql locally. When pushed and ran app in Heroku (Postgres) it crapped on column that was not null when I was writing it a null - rightfully so. Only "change_column_null" would work could not use "change_column ... :null =&gt...

What's the longest possible worldwide phone number I should consider in SQL varchar(length) for phon

... I know that should be the case, but it's not always. In MySQL (for example) the full length is used for sorting. It's best to apply at least some minimal effort. – Morgan Tocker Jul 20 '10 at 18:23 ...