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Why doesn't django's model.save() call full_clean()?

...t curious if anyone knows if there's good reason why django's orm doesn't call 'full_clean' on a model unless it is being saved as part of a model form. ...

UTF-8 byte[] to String

... You can see in here the java.nio.charset.Charset.availableCharsets() map all the charsets not just the charsets in the StandardCharsets. And if you want to use some other charset and still want to prevent the String constructor from throwing UnsupportedEncodingException you may use java.nio.charse...

How to allocate aligned memory only using the standard library?

... Original answer { void *mem = malloc(1024+16); void *ptr = ((char *)mem+16) & ~ 0x0F; memset_16aligned(ptr, 0, 1024); free(mem); } Fixed answer { void *mem = malloc(1024+15); void *ptr = ((uintptr_t)mem+15) & ~ (uintptr_t)0x0...

Set attributes from dictionary in python

...key]) Update As Brent Nash suggests, you can make this more flexible by allowing keyword arguments as well: class Employee(object): def __init__(self, *initial_data, **kwargs): for dictionary in initial_data: for key in dictionary: setattr(self, key, dicti...

Swift Programming: getter/setter in stored property

...the new value that you assign will replace the one that was just set. So all you have to do is this: var rank: Int = 0 { didSet { // Say 1000 is not good for you and 999 is the maximum you want to be stored there if rank >= 1000 { rank = 999 } } } ...

mongo group query how to keep fields

...are accumulated/funneled/reduced) doesn't make so much sense even theoretically. However, sorting before hand is actually inefficient compared to sorting each group within themselves since sorting algorithms are more complex than O(n). I wish there would be better ways in MongoDB. ...

Mismatched anonymous define() module

I'm getting this error when I browse my webapp for the first time (usually in a browser with disabled cache). 7 Answers ...

What does `:_*` (colon underscore star) do in Scala?

...tes: MetaData, scope: NamespaceBinding, child: Node*) which is called as new Elem(prefix, label, attributes, scope, child1, child2, ... childN) but here there is only a sequence, not child1, child2, etc. so this allows the result sequence to be used as the input to the constru...

Python unit test with base and sub class

...test class CommonTests(object): def testCommon(self): print 'Calling BaseTest:testCommon' value = 5 self.assertEquals(value, 5) class SubTest1(unittest.TestCase, CommonTests): def testSub1(self): print 'Calling SubTest1:testSub1' sub = 3 sel...

Python 2.7: Print to File

... In Python 3.0+, print is a function, which you'd call with print(...). In earlier version, print is a statement, which you'd make with print .... To print to a file in Python earlier than 3.0, you'd do: print >> f, 'what ever %d', i The >> operator directs pr...