大约有 33,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0362秒) [XML]


When to use @QueryParam vs @PathParam

...and blog posts should give you some guidelines for a good way to structure API URLs. Most rest APIs tend to only have resource names and resource IDs in the path. Such as: /departments/{dept}/employees/{id} Some REST APIs use query strings for filtering, pagination and sorting, but Since REST isn...

How to clone a case class instance and change just one field in Scala?

...d? I can't find a reference to copy in the "obvious" spots, scala-lang.org/api/current/index.html for instance. – François Beausoleil Aug 30 '11 at 20:38 6 ...

How to solve error “Missing `secret_key_base` for 'production' environment” (Rails 4.1)

...edit it: $ vi /etc/profile Go to the bottom of the file using Shift+G (capital "G") in vi. Write your environment variable with the GENERATED_CODE, pressing i to insert in vi. Be sure to be in a new line at the end of the file: $ export SECRET_KEY_BASE=GENERATED_CODE Save the changes and clos...

How do you create a REST client for Java? [closed]

...ri) method is defined in this base class which just uses the Jersey client API. e.g. clientConfig = new DefaultClientConfig(); client = Client.create(clientConfig); resource = client.resource("http://localhost:8080"); // lets get the XML as a String String text = resource("fo...

Difference between BeautifulSoup and Scrapy crawler?

...RLs you want to crawl and fetch,etc. It is a complete framework for web-scraping or crawling. While BeautifulSoup is a parsing library which also does a pretty good job of fetching contents from URL and allows you to parse certain parts of them without any hassle. It only fetches the contents of t...

Angular JS: What is the need of the directive’s link function when we already had directive’s contro

...er comes into play when you want to nest directives in your DOM and expose API functions from the parent directive to the nested ones. From the docs: Best Practice: use controller when you want to expose an API to other directives. Otherwise use link. Say you want to have two directives my-f...

How do I send a POST request with PHP?

... data will be encoded using multipart/form-data. I use this function with APIs that expect data to be encoded using application/x-www-form-urlencoded. That's why I use http_build_query(). share | i...

How do I watch a file for changes?

... Did you try using Watchdog? Python API library and shell utilities to monitor file system events. Directory monitoring made easy with A cross-platform API. A shell tool to run commands in response to directory changes. Get started quickl...

Socket.IO Authentication

... store other persistent data like Users) Since you might want to add some API requests as well, we'll also use http package to have both HTTP and Web socket working in the same port. server.js The following extract only includes everything you need to set the previous technologies up. You can see ...

Java: Date from unix timestamp

... java.time Java 8 introduced a new API for working with dates and times: the java.time package. With java.time you can parse your count of whole seconds since the epoch reference of first moment of 1970 in UTC, 1970-01-01T00:00Z. The result is an Instant. In...