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Fragment Inside Fragment

..., actually I am facing a problem on pressing back button. Application Main screen has buttons and pressing on each button view replace with new fragment(and that fragment contain inside another fragment), dynamically adding/replacing fragment is working fine, by pressing button1 fragment replaced, s...

UINavigationController without navigation bar?

... The navBar is hidden but my view controller screen does not expand to the full screen – ArdenDev Oct 21 '14 at 21:33  |  ...

multiple tags

...just have to make sure you're making them distinguishable for people using screen readers. You can do it by labelling each <nav> using aria-label. <nav aria-label=’primary’> <ul> ...List on links here... </ul> </nav> <nav aria-label=’secondary’> ...

How do I reset the scale/zoom of a web app on an orientation change on the iPhone?

...hat the issue starts again if i use pinch-zoom gesture and then rotate the screen. Not sure how to fix it. – Nilesh Mar 5 '12 at 12:56 3 ...

Clicking the back button twice to exit an activity

...y after the user has pressed back a couple of times to go back to the main screen). If, later, the user presses back again, we can suppose he wants to exit the app (unless he has navigated into another activities and problably lost track of how deep he got). In the accepted answer above, you consid...

Using the Android Application class to persist data

...veInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState handlers to persist the data on screen rotation. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

How to import a .cer certificate into a java keystore?

...nality, and more, via an intuitive graphical user interface. Following screens will help (they are from the official site) Default screen that you get by running the command: shantha@shantha:~$./Downloads/kse-521/kse.sh And go to Examine and Examine a URL option and then give the web URL t...

How do you reset the Zoom in Visual Studio 2010 and above

... saying that it's bad, I'm saying that it's got a high ratio of content to screen real-estate. The major issue with cluttered spaces is that it's really easy to miss small things. If you've got an empty room and your keys are in the middle of it, you can spot them easily. No one has an empty room, b...

Validation failed for one or more entities. See 'EntityValidationErrors' property for more details [

... throw newException; } } } A few remarks: The yellow error screen that Elmah shows in the web interface or in the sent emails (if you have configured that) now displays the validation details directly at the top of the message. Overwriting the Message property in the custom exception...

How do I add an existing Solution to GitHub from Visual Studio 2013

...nce created open the repository and copy the URL (it's on the right of the screen in the current version) Go back to Visual Studio Make sure you have the Microsoft Git Provider selected under Tools/Options/Source Control/Plug-in Selection Open Team Explorer Select Home | Unsynced Commits Enter th...