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How can I determine if a String is non-null and not only whitespace in Groovy?

...n "that's true too" – tim_yates Aug 27 '19 at 10:33  |  show 2 more comments ...

What is the most efficient way to create a dictionary of two pandas Dataframe columns?

...list('AB')) In [7]: %timeit dict(zip(df.A,df.B)) 1000 loops, best of 3: 1.27 ms per loop In [8]: %timeit pd.Series(df.A.values,index=df.B).to_dict() 1000 loops, best of 3: 987 us per loop share | ...

ASP.NET MVC: Is Controller created for every request?

... | edited Nov 8 '19 at 0:27 Lauren Van Sloun 1,06255 gold badges1616 silver badges2020 bronze badges an...

jQuery add image inside of div tag

...tr('src', 'theImg.png') – Scott Jan 27 at 16:18 add a comment  |  ...

What does the 'L' in front a string mean in C++?

... use it all the time... – Heyji May 27 '19 at 19:48 add a comment  |  ...

How to debug Apache mod_rewrite

...herylHohman 10.7k1414 gold badges6161 silver badges7272 bronze badges answered Mar 9 '12 at 11:02 BenBen 4,04633 gold badges1919 s...

Best way of returning a random boolean value

... method was 1.645s. – Mirror318 Jun 27 '16 at 4:47 [true, false].sample is not faster than rand > 0.5 ...

Display current date and time without punctuation

... answered Feb 25 '16 at 6:27 BuruBuru 7,74877 gold badges4646 silver badges7676 bronze badges ...

Suppress command line output

...UL in any directory. – RBerteig Sep 27 '13 at 21:24 add a comment  |  ...

Using custom fonts using CSS?

... answered Aug 27 '12 at 14:39 ChrisChris 24.9k44 gold badges5151 silver badges6969 bronze badges ...