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html5 localStorage error with Safari: “QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR: DOM Exception 22: An attempt was made to

My webapp have javascript errors in ios safari private browsing: 15 Answers 15 ...

How to articulate the difference between asynchronous and parallel programming?

... calls when communicating from the UI to the server (or from a client to a web service). Use parallel threading on the server or web service end, as well as in your business layer. – goku_da_master Feb 10 '15 at 21:33 ...

Difference between JAX-WS, Axis2 and CXF

... Thanks, helps alot. So for the basic web service stuff i can just use java 1.6 to implement.And was their a implementation of jax-ws in java 1.5? Or it was added after 1.6? If i need additional features i can go with CXF? – Maverick Riz ...

differences in application/json and application/x-www-form-urlencoded

... The first case is telling the web server that you are posting JSON data as in: { Name : 'John Smith', Age: 23} The second option is telling the web server that you will be encoding the parameters in the URL as in: Name=John+Smith&Age=23 ...

How do you implement a good profanity filter?

... their 'tagging' needs. There are a number of other lists available on the web. I agree with the accepted answer that it's not a defined science and as language is a continually evolving challenge but one where a 90% catch rate is better than 0%. It depends purely on your goals - what you're trying...

Logging errors in ASP.NET MVC

... I would consider simplifying your web application by plugging in Elmah. You add the Elmah assembly to your project and then configure your web.config. It will then log exceptions created at controller or page level. It can be configured to log to various dif...

Learning Ant path style

... This pattern /WEB-INF/tiles-config/*-tiles-definition.xml to take all the files ends with -tiles-definition.xml is not working for me but at the same time /WEB-INF/tiles-config/*.xml works. So is * matches zero or more characters correct?...

Get host domain from URL?

... You need to have Request object available which you have in web pages / services but not behind that by default. You can Uri class if you do not have Request object available – Adil Jan 26 '16 at 12:27 ...

How do I deep copy a DateTime object?

...nswered Oct 1 '18 at 11:54 jave.webjave.web 10.3k99 gold badges6565 silver badges9595 bronze badges ...

HTTP Basic Authentication credentials passed in URL and encryption

...pleteness, "Internet Explorer does not support user names and passwords in Web site addresses (HTTP or HTTPS URLs)" Looks like only Internet Explorer versions 3.0 to 6.0 support the following syntax for HTTP or HTTPS URLs: http(s)://username:password@server/resource.ext Note: This change in the ...