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In Intellij, how do I toggle between camel case and underscore spaced?

... I use a plugin called String Manipulation which has the capabilities you're looking for (and more). Select historyOfPresentIllness and press Alt+M to bring up the plugin menu, then press: 5 - To snake_case (or to camelCase) which convert...

Rename multiple files in a directory in Python [duplicate]

...e script itself. Instead of using . as the dir, you could make a variable called dir and use that, then prepend dir to the filename. – styfle May 18 '11 at 5:53 18 ...

How to count the number of set bits in a 32-bit integer?

...Hamming Weight', 'popcount' or 'sideways addition'. The 'best' algorithm really depends on which CPU you are on and what your usage pattern is. Some CPUs have a single built-in instruction to do it and others have parallel instructions which act on bit vectors. The parallel instructions (like x86's ...

Useful code which uses reduce()? [closed]

...found for it besides + and * were with and and or, but now we have any and all to replace those cases. foldl and foldr do come up in Scheme a lot... Here's some cute usages: Flatten a list Goal: turn [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7, 8]] into [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. reduce(list.__add__, [[1, 2, 3]...

What are “connecting characters” in Java identifiers?

... I'm not sure that actually fully answers the (implied) question of which characters may start a Java identifier. Following links we end up at Character.isJavaIdentifierStart() which states A character may start a Java identifier if and only if one...

Does Swift support reflection?

...s to me it's just a hack to enable debugging in Xcode. Protocol Mirror actually quotes the word IDE several times. – Sulthan Jun 6 '14 at 7:50 7 ...

Oracle RAC FOR redhat 6.4 - 数据库(内核) - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...缓存的情况下可能会报目录不存在的错误,无视 yum clean all yum makecache 4、安装vncserver,xterm并配置 yum -y install xterm* yum install -y tigervnc-server chkconfig --level 345 vncserver on 配置vnc密码 Vncserver 配置为使用gnome桌面 修改 /ro...

Regular expression for letters, numbers and - _

... To actually cover your pattern, i.e, valid file names according to your rules, I think that you need a little more. Note this doesn't match legal file names from a system perspective. That would be system dependent and more libera...

What is the list of supported languages/locales on Android?

...n_LS [English (Lesotho)] en_MG [English (Madagascar)] en_MH [English (Marshall Islands)] en_MO [English (Macau)] en_MP [English (Northern Mariana Islands)] en_MS [English (Montserrat)] en_MT [English (Malta)] en_MU [English (Mauritius)] en_MW [English (Malawi)] en_NA [English (Namibia)] en_NF [Engli...

Proper way to use **kwargs in Python

...*kwargs): ...etc... this is not true. In the latter case, f can be called as f(23, 42), while the former case accepts named arguments only -- no positional calls. Often you want to allow the caller maximum flexibility and therefore the second form, as most answers assert, is preferable: but ...