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How to cast/convert pointer to reference in C++

... bhhaaa, I added the "I guess" because it made me write at least 30 chars. that's also way I add the "..........." – Roee Gavirel Apr 16 '12 at 11:41 10 ...

Is Using .NET 4.0 Tuples in my C# Code a Poor Design Decision?

...pport for tuples in C#: private var GetDesserts() { return _icecreams.Select( i => new { icecream = i, topping = new Topping(i) } ); } public void Eat() { foreach (var dessert in GetDesserts()) { dessert.icecream.AddTopping(dessert.topping); dessert.Eat()...

How are multi-dimensional arrays formatted in memory?

... unsigned char MultiArray[5][2]={{0,1},{2,3},{4,5},{6,7},{8,9}}; in memory is equal to: unsigned char SingleArray[10]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; share ...

How can I output the value of an enum class in C++11

...;< together, with the error error: cannot bind ‘std::basic_ostream<char>’ lvalue to ‘std::basic_ostream<char>&&’. this appears to be because when the stream is temporary, the ADL fails, and the above template is not a possibility. any tips? – of...

How do I show the value of a #define at compile-time?

...ment with the argument enclosed in double quotes. Thus: #define STR(x) #x char *s1 = "abc"; char *s2 = STR(abc); will assign identical values to s1 and s2. If you run gcc -E you can see this in the output. Perhaps STR would be better named something like ENQUOTE. This solves the problem of putti...

Is there a good reason I see VARCHAR(255) used so often (as opposed to another length)?

...n multiple courses, books, and jobs, I have seen text fields defined as VARCHAR(255) as kind of the default for "shortish" text. Is there any good reason that a length of 255 is chosen so often, other than being a nice round number ? Is it a holdout from some time in the past when there was a goo...

Variable declaration placement in C

...declare all of your variables at the beginning of a scope block. So, your char c declaration is valid as it is at the top of the for loop scope block. But, the char *s declaration should be an error. share | ...

What is the difference between cout, cerr, clog of iostream header in c++? When to use which one?

...minal is historically slow (terminals or consoles are still slow), writing character by character is ineffective, writing a chunk of bytes is much more effective. – Some programmer dude Apr 4 '18 at 17:23 ...

List of standard lengths for database fields

...ize for names in your database. In particular, do not assume that a four-character Japanese name in UTF-8 will fit in four bytes – you are likely to actually need 12. https://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-personal-names For database fields, VARCHAR(255) is a safe default choic...

Const before or const after?

...to constant pointer. Brilliant. And finally it explains why I can do const char as well as char const. – Vit Bernatik Mar 10 '17 at 17:48 2 ...