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UIViewController viewDidLoad vs. viewWillAppear: What is the proper division of labor?

... Initially used only ViewDidLoad with tableView. On testing with loss of Wifi, by setting device to airplane mode, realized that the table did not refresh with return of Wifi. In fact, there appears to be no way to refresh tableView on the device even by hitting the home button with background mod...

How to filter specific apps for ACTION_SEND intent (and set a different text for each app)

...thod also hides all the silly options that I don't want, like sharing over wifi and bluetooth. Hope this helps someone. Edit: In a comment, I was asked to explain what this code is doing. Basically, it's creating an ACTION_SEND intent for the native email client ONLY, then tacking other intents o...

SSMS插件开发指南 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...。 基础代码请自行使用VS2012完成,包括添加一个用户控件作为对话框窗口。 OnConnection相关函数如下: /// <summary>实现 IDTExtensibility2 接口的 OnConnection 方法。接收正在加载外接程序的通知。</summary> /// <param term='application'>...

WEB端测试与移动端测试的区别 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...页面的显示等,这些对于移动端来说很重要。此外,在非wifi下,还需要注意网络使用量问题。 2) 间断问题 移动端有一个很重要的问题,一般情况下在使用软件的过程并不是长久的,这中间可能发生很多中断,如电话、短信...

移动游戏项目弱网测试策略 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...定性因素。如果想要更好的游戏体验,建议大家还是找个wifi环境好好玩吧。最主要的因素是我们要保证前后端的数据一致,保证网络变化带来的变量不会影响到数据的稳定性和准确性。 如何保证网络变化情况下的数据一致性...

Opening Android Settings programmatically

... call: startActivityForResult(new Intent(android.provider.Settings.ACTION_WIFI_SETTINGS)); for other screen in setting screen, you can go to https://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/Settings.html Hope help you in this case. ...

ping response “Request timed out.” vs “Destination Host unreachable”

...an Ethernet interface with static IP (which I pulled the cable out of once wifi was working) and a Wireless interface that was actually connected. Because of the static IP the Linux server saw the Ethernet inteface as still enabled even though it didn't have a cable any more, and (I think) was tryin...

Your build failed due to an error in the AAPT stage, not because of an...

...消息):删除不再需要的任何应用程序以释放空间通过 WiFi 传输时,APK 未完全保存在目标设备上。尝试保存到您的 PC,然后通过 USB 数据线将其移动到设备(“adb”安装)APK 名称包含非打印字符:如果将该名称复制并粘贴到 App ...

社交应用组件 · App Inventor 2 中文网

...略短信。 如果 启用谷歌语音 属性为真,则可以通过 Wifi 使用谷歌语音发送消息。 此选项要求用户拥有谷歌语音帐户并且手机手机上安装了语音应用程序,谷歌语音选项仅适用于支持 Android 2.0 (Eclair) 或更高版本。 不幸的是...

一分钟读懂低功耗蓝牙(BLE) MTU交换数据包 - 创客硬件开发 - 清泛IT社区,...

...p;&nbsp;X.25: 576 &nbsp;&nbsp;BLE: 23&nbsp; &nbsp;=&gt; 这就是为什么WIFI 可以用于传输视频,传统蓝牙(BT)可以传输音频,而低功耗蓝牙(BTLE 或者BLE)只能够传输控制数据的原因了。 &nbsp;&nbsp;**************************************************************...