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What is the meaning of the term “free function” in C++?
While reading the documentation for boost::test, I came across the term "free function". What I understand is that a free function is any function that doesn't return anything (Its return type is void). But after reading further it seems that free functions also don't take any arguments. But I am no...
count number of lines in terminal output
couldn't find this on SO. I ran the following command in the terminal:
3 Answers
Selecting with complex criteria from pandas.DataFrame
data type not understood
I'm trying to use a matrix to compute stuff. The code is this
1 Answer
matplotlib colorbar for scatter
I'm working with data that has the data has 3 plotting parameters: x,y,c. How do you create a custom color value for a scatter plot?
What is this crazy C++11 syntax ==> struct : bar {} foo {};?
What could this possibly mean in C++11?
2 Answers
What is the difference between Ruby 1.8 and Ruby 1.9
I'm not clear on the differences between the "current" version of Ruby (1.8) and the "new" version (1.9). Is there an "easy" or a "simple" explanation of the differences and why it is so different?
Is there a way to tell git to only include certain files instead of ignoring certain files?
My programs generally generate huge output files (~1 GB) which I do not want to be backing up to the git repository. So instead of being able to do
how do I insert a column at a specific column index in pandas?
Can I insert a column at a specific column index in pandas?
4 Answers
split string in to 2 based on last occurrence of a separator
I would like to know if there is any built in function in python to break the string in to 2 parts, based on the last occurrence of a separator.