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Efficient way to return a std::vector in c++

... vector<string> getseq(char * db_file) And if you want to print it on main() you should do it in a loop. int main() { vector<string> str_vec = getseq(argv[1]); for(vector<string>::iterator it = str_vec.begin(); it != str_ve...

How to call a parent class function from derived class function?

...t B1 { void mf(int) {} }; struct B2 { void mf(short) {} void mf(char) {} }; struct D : B1, B2 { void mf(short) { __super::mf(1); // Calls B1::mf(int) __super::mf('s'); // Calls B2::mf(char) } }; ...

How to Calculate Execution Time of a Code Snippet in C++

...;boost/progress.hpp> using namespace boost; int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { progress_timer timer; // do stuff, preferably in a 100x loop to make it take longer. return 0; } When progress_timer goes out of scope it will print out the time elapsed since its creation. UPDATE:...

Immutability of Strings in Java

...e could do something like this: String s1 = "Hello"; String s2 = s1; s1.setCharAt(1, 'a'); // Fictional method that sets character at a given pos in string System.out.println(s2); // Prints "Hallo" Edit to respond to OP's edit: If you look at the source code for String.replace(char,char) (also ava...

What happens if I define a 0-size array in C/C++?

... The one use I know of is to trigger a compile time error from a boolean: char someCondition[ condition ]; If condition is a false, then I get a compile time error. Because compilers do allow this, however, I've taken to using: char someCondition[ 2 * condition - 1 ]; This gives a size of ei...

Remove characters from NSString?

... This ONLY works if the 'spaces' are well behaved ASCII value=32 (%20) characters. To remove ALL possible white-space chars use Jim Dovey's solution below. – Linasses Apr 28 at 11:23 ...

Do you use NULL or 0 (zero) for pointers in C++?

... a C-change in the general consensus about this. – Richard Corden Oct 7 '08 at 9:49 add a comment  |  ...

Redefine tab as 4 spaces

... It depends on what you mean. Do you want actual tab characters in your file to appear 4 spaces wide, or by "tab" do you actually mean an indent, generated by pressing the tab key, which would result in the file literally containing (up to) 4 space characters for each "tab" you...

RESTful call in Java

...,'PARAM3': 'VALUE','PARAM4': 'VALUE'}"; //It change the apostrophe char to double colon char, to form a correct JSON string query=query.replace("'", "\""); try{ //make connection URLConnection urlc = url.openConnection(); //It Content Type...

How can I pass a member function where a free function is expected?

...n<void(int, int)> fun) { fun(1, 1); } int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { ... aClass a; auto fp = std::bind(&aClass::test, a, _1, _2); function1(fp); return 0; } share | ...