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Get the data received in a Flask request

I want to be able to get the data sent to my Flask app. I've tried accessing request.data but it is an empty string. How do you access request data? ...

Recursively add the entire folder to a repository

... Both "git add *" and "git add SocialApp" called from top directory should add recursively all directories. Probably you have no files in SocialApp/SourceCode/DevTrunk/SocialApp and this is the reason. Try to call "touch SocialApp/SourceCode/DevTrunk/SocialApp...

Is it a bad practice to use negative margins in Android?

... android:layout_height="0dp" android:layout_marginBottom="32dp" app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf="@+id/below" app:layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf="@id/below" app:layout_constraintRight_toRightOf="@id/below" /> <TextView android:id="@+id/top" android:layout_widt...

Adding Core Data to existing iPhone project

... All the CoreData header files are imported in App_Prefix.pch, so the CoreData classes will be available throughout your Project, so you don't have to manually import the header in the files you need them. So open up Xcode and look for some file like App_Prefix.pch, by d...

UITextField auto-capitalization type - iPhone App

...s There are a few options here: allCharacters is the same as double tapping the shift key, basically capslock. none is pretty self-explanatory, keyboard will never try to capitalize letters. sentences will try to capitalize the next word after an end mark punctuation. words will try to capital...

ViewPager with previous and next page boundaries

... Quoting myself from a blog post on this subject: The third approach comes from Dave Smith, co-author of the well-regarded book Android Recipes. He went in a very different direction, using a custom container that disabled children clipping to show more than one page at a time. His pu...

Go build: “Cannot find package” (even though GOPATH is set)

...an initialize your module like this: $ go mod init github.com/mitchell/foo-app Your code doesn't need to be located on github.com for it to build. However, it's a best practice to structure your modules as if they will eventually be published. Understanding what happens when trying to get a package...

Rails I18n validation deprecation warning

... Important: Make sure your app is not using I18n 0.6.8, it has a bug that prevents the configuration to be set correctly. Short answer In order to silence the warning edit the application.rb file and include the following line inside the Rails::App...

How can I create tests in Android Studio?

... 10 minutes, you will be all set up to start adding your tests to your own app. I think you'll be surprised how easy it is. I certainly was. Intro to Android Testing There are two different types of tests that you will do. Local unit tests. These are run locally on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). S...

How do I pass multiple attributes into an Angular.js attribute directive?

...er="99" example-function="exampleCallback()"></div> Directive: app.directive('exampleDirective ', function () { return { restrict: 'A', // 'A' is the default, so you could remove this line scope: { callback : '&exampleFunction', }, li...