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How to pattern match using regular expression in Scala?

... Some(p.Jo.StartsWith(fn)), Some(p.`.*(\\w)$`.Regexp(lastChar))) => println(s"Match! $fn ...$lastChar") case _ => println("nope") } } share | improve this answer...

How to define an enumerated type (enum) in C?

...um { RANDOM, IMMEDIATE, SEARCH } strategy = IMMEDIATE; int main(int argc, char** argv){ printf("strategy: %d\n", strategy); return 0; } If instead of the above, the second line were changed to: ... enum { RANDOM, IMMEDIATE, SEARCH } strategy; strategy = IMMEDIATE; ... From the warnings, ...

Why can Java Collections not directly store Primitives types?

...s. How would you write a collection that can store either int, or float or char? Most likely you will end up with multiple collections, so you will need an intlist and a charlist etc. Taking advantage of the object oriented nature of Java when you write a collection class it can store any object so...

Capturing “Delete” Keypress with jQuery

... keydown event because the keypress event is intended for real (printable) characters. keydown is handled at a lower level so it will capture all nonprinting keys like delete and enter. share | impr...

Branch descriptions in Git

... with commits 6f9a332, 739453a3, b7200e8: struct branch_desc_cb { const char *config_name; const char *value; }; --edit-description:: Open an editor and edit the text to explain what the branch is for, to be used by various other commands (e.g. request-pull). Note that it won't work for...

How do I use Java to read from a file that is actively being written to?

...{ if( reader.available() > 0 ) { System.out.print( (char)reader.read() ); } else { try { sleep( 500 ); } catch( InterruptedException ex ) { running = false; } } } } Of...

Java's L number (long) specification

... 3.14159), it is assumed to be a double. In all other cases (byte, short, char), you need the cast as there is no specific suffix. The Java spec allows both upper and lower case suffixes, but the upper case version for longs is preferred, as the upper case L is less easy to confuse with a numeral ...

Multiline strings in JSON

...for escaping the backslash, otherwise python will treat \n as the control character "new line" share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Smart way to truncate long strings

...rd" and "soft" limits, like, for example, if the string is longer than 500 character, truncate it to 400. This may be useful, when the user wants to see the whole text and clicks some link for it. If, as a result, you load just 1 or 2 chars more, it will look really ugly. – Max...

What is stack unwinding?

...tion with exception handling. Here's an example: void func( int x ) { char* pleak = new char[1024]; // might be lost => memory leak std::string s( "hello world" ); // will be properly destructed if ( x ) throw std::runtime_error( "boom" ); delete [] pleak; // will only get here...