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How to change Android version and code version number?

...version and code version number Android Studio? I want to change apk file (app) on Google Play and I need to change Android version and code version number. I tried with this in AndroidManifest.xml file in Android Studio: ...

How to manage client-side JavaScript dependencies? [closed]

...thing you need. My answer to this question may help you Example: Client app project hierarchy: sampleapp |___ main.js |___ cs.js |___ require.js main.js is where you initialize your client application and configure require.js: require.config({ baseUrl: "/sampleapp", paths:...

Check if OneToOneField is None in Django

...- or maybe even to be sure you also handle other sorts of magic which may happen elsewhere -- you have to extend the test as follows: if hasattr(object, 'onetoonerevrelattr') and object.onetoonerevrelattr != None – class stacker Mar 15 '13 at 13:17 ...

Best way to run scheduled tasks [closed]

Today we have built a console application for running the scheduled tasks for our ASP.NET website. But I think this approach is a bit error prone and difficult to maintain. How do you execute your scheduled task (in an windows/IIS/ASP.NET environment) ...

Adding a directory to $LOAD_PATH (Ruby)

...keAntins, this is really great but where should I "bootstrap" load_path in application? – gaussblurinc Aug 6 '14 at 13:48 ...

How to reverse a 'rails generate'

...ithout actually deleting them. $ rails d controller welcome -p remove app/controllers/welcome_controller.rb invoke erb remove app/views/welcome invoke test_unit remove test/controllers/welcome_controller_test.rb invoke helper remove app/helpers/welcome_helper.rb invoke...

Find location of a removable SD card

...would scan additional SD cards and add them to the media provider and give apps read-only access to their files (which is also still supported in the platform today). Android 4.4 is the first release of the platform that has actually allowed applications to use SD cards for storage. Any access to t...

Folder structure for a Node.js project

...ntains specifications for BDD tests. /tests contains the unit-tests for an application (using a testing framework, see here) NOTE: both /vendor and /support are deprecated since NPM introduced a clean package management. It's recommended to handle all 3rd-party dependencies using NPM and a package...

Runtime vs. Compile time

...specially for people without much background in programming languages. To approach this problem, I find it helpful to ask What invariants does the program satisfy? What can go wrong in this phase? If the phase succeeds, what are the postconditions (what do we know)? What are the inputs and output...

Adding multiple class using ng-class

... To apply different classes when different expressions evaluate to true: <div ng-class="{class1 : expression1, class2 : expression2}"> Hello World! </div> To apply multiple classes when an expression holds true...