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Are there legitimate uses for JavaScript's “with” statement?

...written in JavaScript. I was trying to emulate the Firebug/WebKit console APIs where special commands can be entered into the console but they don't override any variables in the global scope. I thought of this when trying to overcome a problem I mentioned in the comments to Shog9's excellent answ...

How to import JsonConvert in C# application?

... is you are building a .NET Core WebApi or WebSite see my answer below – Mauricio Gracia Gutierrez Jun 12 '18 at 10:55 1 ...

What is the difference between jQuery's mouseout() and mouseleave()?

...ouse leaves the Outer element, but not the Inner element. Source: http://api.jquery.com/mouseleave/ share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Using HTML5/Canvas/JavaScript to take in-browser screenshots

...tion. But too much fear results in bad implementations, like the clipboard API, which has been disabled altogether, instead creating confirmation dialogs, like for webcams, mics, screenshot capability, etc. – StanE May 24 '17 at 17:50 ...

How do I capture response of form.submit

...i, Opera, Edge, and most mobile browsers, but not IE), fetch is a standard API that simplifies asynchronous network calls (for which we used to need XMLHttpRequest or jQuery's $.ajax). Here is a traditional form: <form id="myFormId" action="/api/process/form" method="post"> <!-- form ...

Setting Environment Variables for Node to retrieve

... .env file each line is an entry, like this example: NODE_ENV=development API_URL=http://api.domain.com TRANSLATION_API_URL=/translations/ GA_UA=987654321-0 NEW_RELIC_KEY=hi-mom SOME_TOKEN=asdfasdfasdf SOME_OTHER_TOKEN=zxcvzxcvzxcv You should not include the .env in your version control repositor...

Scale Image to fill ImageView width and keep aspect ratio

... Works like charm on API 19+, but not on API 16 (tested). Alex Semeniuk's custom view works on API 16 too. – Ashkan Sarlak Sep 27 '15 at 10:25 ...

Does Java read integers in little endian or big endian?

...no way this could influence anything in Java, since there's no (direct non-API) way to map some bytes directly into an int in Java. Every API that does this or something similar defines the behaviour pretty precisely, so you should look up the documentation of that API. ...

How to download a Nuget package without nuget.exe or Visual Studio extension?

... Or guess the URL. They have the following format: https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package/{packageID}/{packageVersion} Then simply unzip the .nupkg file and extract the contents you need. share | ...

How to fight tons of unresolved variables warning in Webstorm?

...ou don't get data as a parameter? You don't have JSDoc then: function niceApiCall(parameters) { const result = await ... // HTTP call to the API here for (const e of result.entries) { .. // decorate each entry in the result } return result; } WebStorm will warn that "result.entries" ...