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How to use relative/absolute paths in css URLs?

... Personally, I would fix this in the .htaccess file. You should have access to that. Define your CSS URL as such: url(/image_dir/image.png); In your .htacess file, put: Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^ima...

Detect Android phone via Javascript / jQuery

...re reported by Kindle Fire HD devices do not contain the word 'android' at all. – djbp Jun 11 '13 at 13:54 ...

Loop through an array php

... Also checkout var_export, which prints valid PHP code. You can save that to a file, then write the code to loop over it there before putting it in your main code. – Ben Mar 30 '17 at 15:39 ...

How to convert date to timestamp in PHP?

... This solution can lead to an unexpected behavior. Those who use PHP 5.3+ should adopt Prof. Falken answer, in which one has full control over the date format. – Luca Fagioli Apr 13 '15 at 20:22 ...

What does $1 [QSA,L] mean in my .htaccess file?

...ce to give a complete tutorial, but here it is in short; RewriteCond basically means "execute the next RewriteRule only if this is true". The !-l path is the condition that the request is not for a link (! means not, -l means link) The RewriteRule basically means that if the request is done that m...

Can I store images in MySQL [duplicate]

...h is not that difficult). I want to save the thumbs (since they are very small) in the database and I use MySQL. (I don't want to save the thumbs as physical files on the drive.) Does MySQL allow saving and retrieving image data and how do I go about it? If it doesn't support image data, is there ...

What is the difference between bindParam and bindValue?

...ute() is called. And execute call PDOStatement::bindParam() to bind PHP variables to the parameter markers: bound variables pass their value as input and receive the output value, if any, of their associated parameter markers Example: $value = 'foo'; $s = $dbh->prepare('SELECT name FROM...

Remote connect to clearDB heroku database

... In heroku website, go to My Apps and select the app on which you have installed ClearDB. On the top corner click on Addons and then select ClearDB MySQL Database. Once there, click on your database and choose the 'Endpoint Information' tab. There you see your username/password. The URL to the dat...

Does Python have “private” variables in classes?

...ass variables. In Java, nothing prevents you from doing the same if you really want to - after all, you can always edit the source of the class itself to achieve the same effect. Python drops that pretence of security and encourages programmers to be responsible. In practice, this works very nicely...

jQuery: Return data after ajax call success [duplicate]

I have something like this, where it is a simple call to a script that gives me back a value, a string.. 5 Answers ...