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Can PostgreSQL index array columns?

... to this question in the documentation. If a column is an array type, will all the entered values be individually indexed? ...

How to write the Fibonacci Sequence?

I had originally coded the program wrongly. Instead of returning the Fibonacci numbers between a range (ie. startNumber 1, endNumber 20 should = only those numbers between 1 & 20), I have written for the program to display all Fibonacci numbers between a range (ie. startNumber 1, endNumber 20 displa...

Detect Browser Language in PHP

... do you say they are one letter? Dutch (nl), Greek (el) and Slovenian (sl) all appear to be two letter: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms533052(v=vs.85).aspx – Peter K. Nov 19 '12 at 17:35 ...

How do I do base64 encoding on iOS?

... A really, really fast implementation which was ported (and modified/improved) from the PHP Core library into native Objective-C code is available in the QSStrings Class from the QSUtilities Library. I did a quick benchmark: a 5....

What are the rules about using an underscore in a C++ identifier?

...FC background, you'll probably use m_foo . I've also seen myFoo occasionally. 5 Answers ...

What's a correct and good way to implement __hash__()?

...be integers, and there aren't too many of them, I suppose you could potentially run slightly faster with some home-rolled hash, but it likely wouldn't be as well distributed. hash((self.attr_a, self.attr_b, self.attr_c)) is going to be surprisingly fast (and correct), as creation of small tuples is ...

How to determine CPU and memory consumption from inside a process?

... quite a while, perhaps I've been only a bit stupid...) Note: for clarity all error checking has been omitted from the following code. Do check the return codes...! Total Virtual Memory: #include "windows.h" MEMORYSTATUSEX memInfo; memInfo.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX); GlobalMemoryStatus...

How do Python's any and all functions work?

I'm trying to understand how the any() and all() Python built-in functions work. 8 Answers ...

How to add target=“_blank” to JavaScript window.location?

... @twinlakes this gets blocked in all modern browsers. – Ben Racicot Nov 4 '15 at 15:21 ...

When to use enumerateObjectsUsingBlock vs. for

... Ultimately, use whichever pattern you want to use and comes more naturally in the context. While for(... in ...) is quite convenient and syntactically brief, enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: has a number of features that may or may not prove interesting: enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: will be as fas...