大约有 42,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0358秒) [XML]


Command line progress bar in Java

...plemented this sort of thing before. Its not so much about java, but what characters to send to the console. The key is the difference between \n and \r. \n goes to the start of a new line. But \r is just carriage return - it goes back to the start of the same line. So the thing to do is to prin...

@try - catch block in Objective-C

... All work perfectly :) NSString *test = @"test"; unichar a; int index = 5; @try { a = [test characterAtIndex:index]; } @catch (NSException *exception) { NSLog(@"%@", exception.reason); NSLog(@"Char at index %d cannot be found", index); NSLog(@"Max inde...

How to get the value from the GET parameters?

...es URL: You could access location.search, which would give you from the ? character on to the end of the URL or the start of the fragment identifier (#foo), whichever comes first. Then you can parse it with this: function parse_query_string(query) { var vars = query.split("&"); var ...

STL中map容器使用自定义key类型报错详解 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...写测试代码定义一个结构体来试试:[cpp]view plaincopystructa{char*pName;intm_a;} 引言 STL的map容器中,key的类型是不是随意的呢? 实践 编写测试代码 定义一个结构体来试试: struct a { char* pName; int m_a; }; ... map<a, i...

How to Copy Text to Clip Board in Android?

... } return ""; } @SuppressLint("NewApi") public CharSequence coerceToText(Context context, ClipData.Item item) { // If this Item has an explicit textual value, simply return that. CharSequence text = item.getText(); if (text != null) { r...

Fastest way to reset every value of std::vector to 0

...ATIONS = 100000; const size_t TEST_ARRAY_SIZE = 10000; int main(int argc, char** argv) { std::vector&lt;int&gt; v(TEST_ARRAY_SIZE, 0); for(size_t i = 0; i &lt; TEST_ITERATIONS; ++i) { #if TEST_METHOD == 1 memset(&amp;v[0], 0, v.size() * sizeof v[0]); #elif TEST_METHOD == 2 ...

startsWith() and endsWith() functions in PHP

...ctions that would take a string and return if it starts with the specified character/string or ends with it? 33 Answers ...

Best way to encode text data for XML in Java?

...l(str) from commons-lang. I use it in App Engine application - work like a charm. Here is the Java Doc for this function: – Oleg K Feb 15 '11 at 19:04 ...

PHP validation/regex for URL

... Some things that jump out at me: use of alternation where character classes are called for (every alternative matches exactly one character); and the replacement shouldn't have needed the outer double-quotes (they were only needed because of the pointless /e modifier on the regex). ...

How to read a single character from the user?

Is there a way of reading one single character from the user input? For instance, they press one key at the terminal and it is returned (sort of like getch() ). I know there's a function in Windows for it, but I'd like something that is cross-platform. ...