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Sort a list by multiple attributes?

... 824 A key can be a function that returns a tuple: s = sorted(s, key = lambda x: (x[1], x[2])) Or...

How to get subarray from array?

I have var ar = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and want some function getSubarray(array, fromIndex, toIndex) , that result of call getSubarray(ar, 1, 3) is new array [2, 3, 4] . ...

Easy way to list node modules I have npm linked?

...symlinks, you could try something like find / -type d -name "node_modules" 2>/dev/null | xargs -I{} find {} -type l -maxdepth 1 | xargs ls -l. share | improve this answer | ...

Performance of foreach, array_map with lambda and array_map with static function

... 122 FWIW, I just did the benchmark since poster didn't do it. Running on PHP 5.3.10 + XDebug. UPD...

How can I get a list of locally installed Python modules?

... 624 +100 Solutio...

What is the purpose and use of **kwargs?

... | edited Jul 29 '18 at 23:24 omkaartg 2,03811 gold badge66 silver badges2121 bronze badges ...

Overloading Macro on Number of Arguments

I have two macros FOO2 and FOO3 : 8 Answers 8 ...

R: Comment out block of code [duplicate]

... 92 Most of the editors take some kind of shortcut to comment out blocks of code. The default edito...

Finding index of character in Swift String

... 32 Answers 32 Active ...

SSH to Elastic Beanstalk instance

... I found it to be a 2-step process. This assumes that you've already set up a keypair to access EC2 instances in the relevant region. Configure Security Group In the AWS console, open the EC2 tab. Select the relevant region and click on Secur...