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Prevent direct access to a php include file

I have a php file which I will be using as exclusively as an include. Therefore I would like to throw an error instead of executing it when it's accessed directly by typing in the URL instead of being included. ...

What are namespaces?

What are PHP Namespaces? 11 Answers 11 ...

Try/Catch block in PHP not catching Exception

I am trying to run this Example #1 from this page: http://php.net/manual/en/language.exceptions.php 12 Answers ...

How can I create an error 404 in PHP?

My .htaccess redirects all requests to /word_here to /page.php?name=word_here . The PHP script then checks if the requested page is in its array of pages. ...

北漂90后张鸿润:创业不做于佳文 坚持就好 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...他“忽悠吹牛,虚报融资金额,过度营销,缺乏信誉”等问题,“对产品进行包括饥饿营销、病毒营销等等在内的过度营销,炒作、水军泛滥,甚至把负面作为吸引眼球的手段,至于传播的是正能量还是负能量则不管不问”。 ...

Page redirect after certain time PHP

There is a certain PHP function for redirecting after some time. I saw it somewhere but can't remember. It's like the gmail redirection after logging in. Please, could anyone remind me? ...

Are arrays in PHP copied as value or as reference to new variables, and when passed to functions?

... operator to copy an array by reference. And the given example : <?php $arr1 = array(2, 3); $arr2 = $arr1; $arr2[] = 4; // $arr2 is changed, // $arr1 is still array(2, 3) $arr3 = &$arr1; $arr3[] = 4; // now $arr1 and $arr3 are the same ?> For the first part, the best ...

Should MySQL have its timezone set to UTC?

...cat /tmp/zut.sql >> /tmp/mysql_tzinfo_to.sql mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/my.cnf --user=verifiedscratch -p mysql < /tmp/mysql_tzinfo_to.sql (make sure your servers dst rules are up to date zdump -v Europe/Moscow | grep 2011 https://chrisjean.com/updating-daylight-saving-time-on-linux...

Wi-Fi 是什么的缩写 - 创意 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...试产品是否符合标准,导致 802.11 产品间的互通频频出现问题,而联盟的成立就是为了填补这一空缺。联盟还将推广符合 802.11 标准的无线网络技术作为己任,因此他们认为需要一个朗朗上口的名字来代替拗口的专业术语(呃…...

php中json_decode()和json_encode()的使用方法 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

php中json_decode()和json_encode()的使用方法1.json_decode()json_decode(PHP 5 >= 5.2.0, PECL json >= 1.2.0)json_decode — 对 JSON 格式的字符串进行编码说明mixed jso...1.json_decode() (PHP 5 >= 5.2.0, PECL json >= 1.2.0) 对 JSON 格式的字符串进行编码 说明: mix...