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What are “first class” objects?

...as any other object. A first class object is an entity that can be dynamically created, destroyed, passed to a function, returned as a value, and have all the rights as other variables in the programming language have. Depending on the language, this can imply: being expressible as ...

How do I print the elements of a C++ vector in GDB?

...o have gdb 7 (I tested it on gdb 7.01) and some python pretty-printer. Installation process of these is described on gdb wiki. What is more, after installing above, this works well with Eclipse C++ debugger GUI (and any other IDE using GDB, as I think). ...

Python extending with - using super() Python 3 vs Python 2

Originally I wanted to ask this question , but then I found it was already thought of before... 5 Answers ...

Replacing some characters in a string with another character

I have a string like AxxBCyyyDEFzzLMN and I want to replace all the occurrences of x , y , and z with _ . 5 Answers ...

How to customize user profile when using django-allauth

I have a django project with the django-allauth app. I need to collect additional data from the user at signup. I came across a similar question here but unfortunately, no one answered the profile customization part. ...

SQLAlchemy IN clause

...w about session.query(MyUserClass).filter(MyUserClass.id.in_((123,456))).all() edit: Without the ORM, it would be session.execute( select( [MyUserTable.c.id, MyUserTable.c.name], MyUserTable.c.id.in_((123, 456)) ) ).fetchall() select() takes two parameters, the first...

What techniques can be used to speed up C++ compilation times?

...ity that takes advantage of caching techniques to speed things up. Use Parallelism Many compilers / IDEs support using multiple cores/CPUs to do compilation simultaneously. In GNU Make (usually used with GCC), use the -j [N] option. In Visual Studio, there's an option under preferences to allow it...

Open URL in same window and in same tab

...ute target= of tag a. In fact, you can name your window whatever you like. All what you need is set it different value, so that it won't open in the same window or tab. – ijse Dec 10 '11 at 14:57 ...

Python Nose Import Error

...stem path. The following fixed this: source myvirtualenv/activate pip install nose which nosetests /home/me/myvirtualenv/bin/nosetests share | improve this answer | follow ...

How can I change the color of pagination dots of UIPageControl?

... f = CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 20); PageControl *pageControl = [[[PageControl alloc] initWithFrame:f] autorelease]; pageControl.numberOfPages = 10; pageControl.currentPage = 5; pageControl.delegate = self; [self addSubview:pageControl]; Header file: // // PageControl.h // // Replacement for UIPage...