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Wrong syntax highlighting for PHP file in PHPStorm

I don't know what happened but syntax highlighting for one php file stopped to working and also icon next to the file has changed. It shows it's text file instead of PHP . ...

jQuery.inArray(), how to use it right?

...n JavaScript coding standards. So if you're using a linter (jshint, eslint etc.) chances are you won't get this through code review. Solution works though. – jhrr Feb 24 '16 at 14:00 ...

Codeigniter - no input file specified

... Just add the ? sign after index.php in the .htaccess file : RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?/$1 [L] and it would work ! ...

How to solve “Fatal error: Class 'MySQLi' not found”?

... On AWS, you just run sudo yum install php-mysqli – bobobobo Sep 11 '14 at 16:21 F...

Compare floats in php

I want to compare two floats in PHP, like in this sample code: 16 Answers 16 ...

What is phtml, and when should I use a .phtml extension rather than .php?

I'm wondering what the difference between .phtml and .php files is, and when to use one over the other. 6 Answers ...

json_encode/json_decode - returns stdClass instead of Array in PHP

...e second parameter of json_decode($json, $assoc, $depth) at https://secure.php.net/json_decode share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Creating default object from empty value in PHP?

I see this error only after upgrading my PHP environment to PHP 5.4 and beyond. The error points to this line of code: 16 A...

Disabling Strict Standards in PHP 5.4

I'm currently running a site on php 5.4, prior to this I was running my site on 5.3.8. Unfortunately, php 5.4 combines E_ALL and E_STRICT , which means that my previous setting for error_reporting does not work now. My previous value was E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT Should I just ena...

dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libpng16.16.dylib with anything php related

Using any php application results in: 11 Answers 11 ...