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Everyauth vs Passport.js?

...fit the problem space well, causing long-standing open issues such as #36 API Authentication The crowning achievement of any authentication library is its ability to handle API authentication as elegantly as web-based sign on. I won't elaborate much on this point. However, I encourage people to ...

How can I display a pdf document into a Webview?

...rms of user experience. It is really slow and unresponsive. Solution after API 21 Since api 21, we have PdfRenderer which helps converting a pdf to Bitmap. I've never used it but is seems easy enough. Solution for any api level Other solution is to download the PDF and pass it via Intent to a dedica...

Navigation Drawer (Google+ vs. YouTube)

...ich is not yet provided within the V4 so not able to use it in apps having API level below 11. – Nayanesh Gupte May 25 '13 at 4:33 1 ...

how to access iFrame parent page using jquery?

...t load it one task. Also, people seem concerned about JS perf, then use an API on top of JS to do things easily possible (and possibly faster) without the API. – Grant Wagner Apr 7 '09 at 18:26 ...

How to detect UI thread on Android?

...entThread()) { // On UI thread. } else { // Not on UI thread. } From API level 23 and up, there's a slightly more readable approach using new helper method isCurrentThread on the main looper: if (Looper.getMainLooper().isCurrentThread()) { // On UI thread. } else { // Not on UI thread. } ...

Reload content in modal (twitter bootstrap)

...ow"); }); }); Example Links: <a data-toggle="modal" href="/page/api?package=herp" data-target="#modal">click me</a> <a data-toggle="modal" href="/page/api?package=derp" data-target="#modal">click me2</a> <a data-toggle="modal" href="/page/api?package=merp" data-tar...

How can I make a multipart/form-data POST request using Java?

...tpClient 4.3, some classes have been deprecated. Here is the code with new API: CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault(); HttpPost uploadFile = new HttpPost("..."); MultipartEntityBuilder builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create(); builder.addTextBody("field1", "yes", ContentType...

jQuery equivalent of JavaScript's addEventListener method

... the preferred method of binding events, rather than .bind(): From http://api.jquery.com/bind/: As of jQuery 1.7, the .on() method is the preferred method for attaching event handlers to a document. For earlier versions, the .bind() method is used for attaching an event handler directly to ...

OAuth: how to test with local URLs?

... Google doesn't allow test auth api on localhost using http://webporject.dev or .loc and .etc and google short link that shortened your local url(http://webporject.dev) also bit.ly :). Google accepts only url which starts http://localhost/... if you want ...

What is the usefulness of `enable_shared_from_this`?

... Yes, but enable_shared_from_this allows you to work with an API which specifically accepts shared_ptr<>. In my opinion, such an API is usually Doing It Wrong (as it's better to let something higher in the stack own the memory) but if you're forced to work with such an API, this ...