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Get most recent file in a directory on Linux

...den files). If you want to limit to regular files (disregard directories, fifos, devices, symlinks, sockets...), you'd need to resort to GNU find. With bash 4.4 or newer (for readarray -d) and GNU coreutils 8.25 or newer (for cut -z): readarray -t -d '' files < <( LC_ALL=C find . -maxdept...

What are named pipes?

... Linux Pipes First In First Out (FIFO) interproccess communication mechanism. Unnamed Pipes On the command line, represented by a "|" between two commands. Named Pipes A FIFO special file. Once created, you can use the pipe just like a normal file(open, ...

Why should I use Deque over Stack?

... allow such operations)--its allowed operations are consistent with what a FIFO or LIFO data structure should allow. Performance: The Vector class that Stack extends is basically the "thread-safe" version of an ArrayList. The synchronizations can potentially cause a significant performance hit to y...

Non-recursive depth first search algorithm

... depth first traversal. If you want to use breadth-first, go with a queue (FIFO) instead. – Per Lundberg May 21 '18 at 7:14 4 ...

How does lock work exactly?

...waiting processes queued so that they will be lock the critical section in FIFO order? – jstuardo Jul 13 '17 at 14:56 ...

App Inventor 2开发简单计算器 - App Inventor 2 中文网 - 清泛IT论坛,有思想、有深度

...输入算符,则后面输入的算符有效(前面的算符被后面的覆盖了);输入纯小数:用户有两种方法输入0.5:输入0.5或输入.5;其他功能键的功能描述见上一个标题“符号与术语”。 第二节 用户界面设计用户界面中用到了1个标签...

App Inventor 2 文本.合并字符串的引号问题 - App Inventor 2 中文网 - 清...

转:合并字符串有引号?比如‘A’和‘B’,是‘AB’ 答复: [hide]引号也是文本,应该中间还有两个引号。你可以验证一下。 经测试,的确如此: 问:那有办法去掉? 答: 问:就是我只想去掉开头的引...

App Inventor 2 AI伴侣有电脑版的? - App Inventor 2 中文网 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

App Inventor 2 AI伴侣有电脑版的?ai2_connect有,但是不好用,不建议使用。参考中文文档:https://www.fun123.cn/reference/creative/connect.html各种连接方式的特点:连接方式测试介质特点AI伴侣Android手机特别适合小朋友...有,但是不好用,...

App Inventor 2 连接方式:AI伴侣、模拟器、USB · App Inventor 2 中文网

...AI2Starter模拟器。 Q & A Q:AI2Starter模拟器可以调整分辨率? A:可以,通过脚本可调整模拟器分辨率。最新版模拟器使用了三星手机样式,屏幕及分辨率较高。 Q:商业模拟器如何使用? A:步骤如下: 电脑网页上搜...

Citrix服务器虚拟化:XenApp 6.5发布服务器上的应用程序 - 更多技术 - 清泛...
