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Is it wrong to use Deprecated methods or classes in Java?

... 1. Is it wrong to use Deprecated methods or classes in Java? From the definition of deprecated: A program element annotated @Deprecated is one that programmers are discouraged from using, typically because it is dangerous, or...

Google Guice vs. PicoContainer for Dependency Injection

...injection but other than that, your classes don't need to know about Pico. It's only the wiring that needs to know (true for all DI frameworks). Guice - Guice now supports the standard JSR 330 annotations, so you do not need Guice specific annotations in your code anymore. Spring also supports these...

What is the Java ?: operator called and what does it do?

I have been working with Java a couple of years, but up until recently I haven't run across this construct: 16 Answers ...

What does 'const static' mean in C and C++?

...saw this in some code here on StackOverflow and I couldn't figure out what it does. Then I saw some confused answers on other forums. My best guess is that it's used in C to hide the constant foo from other modules. Is this correct? If so, why would anyone use it in a C++ context where you can jus...

What are the benefits of learning Vim? [closed]

As a programmer I spend a lot of hours at the keyboard and I've been doing it for the last 12 years, more or less. If there's something I've never gotten used to during all this time, it's these annoying and almost unconscious constant micro-interruptions I experience while coding, due to some of th...

Why is it bad practice to call System.gc()?

...ow to force-free objects in Java (the guy was clearing a 1.5GB HashMap) with System.gc() , I was told it's bad practice to call System.gc() manually, but the comments were not entirely convincing. In addition, no one seemed to dare to upvote, nor downvote my answer. ...

What is a 'Closure'?

...on about Currying and closures were mentioned. What is a closure? How does it relate to currying? 23 Answers ...

What's so bad about Template Haskell?

It seems that Template Haskell is often viewed by the Haskell community as an unfortunate convenience. It's hard to put into words exactly what I have observed in this regard, but consider these few examples ...

How do I write a bash script to restart a process if it dies?

...python script that'll be checking a queue and performing an action on each item: 8 Answers ...

What is duck typing?

...reading random topics on software online and did not completely understand it. 13 Answers ...