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How to use a servlet filter in Java to change an incoming servlet request url?

... A simple JSF Url Prettyfier filter based in the steps of BalusC's answer. The filter forwards all the requests starting with the /ui path (supposing you've got all your xhtml files stored there) to the same path, but adding the xhtml ...

Understanding PrimeFaces process/update and JSF f:ajax execute/render attributes

...nput fields) or ActionSource (command fields). The process attribute tells JSF, using a space-separated list of client IDs, which components exactly must be processed through the entire JSF lifecycle upon (partial) form submit. JSF will then apply the request values (finding HTTP request parameter b...

Backing beans (@ManagedBean) or CDI Beans (@Named)?

... CDI is preferred over plain JSF because CDI allows for JavaEE-wide dependency injection. You can also inject POJOs and let them be managed. With JSF you can only inject a subset of what you can with CDI. ...

What is the need of JSF, when UI can be achieved with JavaScript libraries such as jQuery and Angula

I was reading about JSF that its a UI framework and provides some UI components. But how is it better or different from number of components that are available from jQueryUI, AngularJS, ExtJS, or even plain HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ...

JSF vs Facelets vs JSP [duplicate]

... JSF is a standardized Java framework for web UIs based on an MVC pattern JSPs are a (much older) standard for generating web pages from templates - these can be used as the View in a JSF application, but also separately from ...

JSF backing bean structure (best practices)

...t, I can get people's opinions on best practices for the interface between JSF pages and backing beans. 6 Answers ...

Java EE 6 @javax.annotation.ManagedBean vs. @javax.inject.Named vs. @javax.faces.ManagedBean

...a ee we have many containers that manage life cycle of their objects, like JSF container, EJB container, CDI container, Servlet container, etc. All of these containers work kind of independent, they boot in application server initialization and scan classes of all artifacts including jar, ejb-jar,...

How to use PrimeFaces p:fileUpload? Listener method is never invoked or UploadedFile is null / throw

...es 5.x This does not require any additional configuration if you're using JSF 2.2 and your faces-config.xml is also declared conform JSF 2.2 version. You do not need the PrimeFaces file upload filter at all. In case it's unclear to you how to properly install and configure JSF depending on the targ...

Why JSF saves the state of UI components on server?

Now, it is no longer necessary to save state while using JSF. A high performance Stateless JSF implementation is available for use. See this blog & this question for relevant details & discussion. Also, there is an open issue to include in JSF specs, an option to provide stateless mode for JSF...

What is the difference between JSF, Servlet and JSP?

...ny of the overridden methods of HttpServlet, such as doGet() and doPost(). JSF (JavaServer Faces) JSF is a component based MVC framework which is built on top of the Servlet API and provides components via taglibs which can be used in JSP or any other Java based view technology such as Facelets. Fac...