大约有 43,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0342秒) [XML]


Understanding colors on Android (six characters)

... 54% — 8A 53% — 87 52% — 85 51% — 82 50% — 80 49% — 7D 48% — 7A 47% — 78 46% — 75 45% — 73 44% — 70 43% — 6E 42% — 6B 41% — 69 40% — 66 39% — 63 38% — 61 37% — 5E 36% — 5C 35% — 59 34% — 57 33% — 54 32% — 52 31% — 4F 30% — 4D 29% — 4A 28% — 47 27...

In Java, how do I convert a byte array to a string of hex digits while keeping leading zeros? [dupli

...B","6C","6D","6E","6F", "70","71","72","73","74","75","76","77","78","79","7A","7B","7C","7D","7E","7F", "80","81","82","83","84","85","86","87","88","89","8A","8B","8C","8D","8E","8F", "90","91","92","93","94","95","96","97","98","99","9A","9B","9C","9D","9E","9F", "A0","A1","A2","A3","A4","A5","A6...

What characters are valid for JavaScript variable names?


WinDbg基础资料(日本語) - IT优秀资料 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...n-us/library/bb787181.aspx http://www.northwind.mydns.jp/samples/blog/%E3%82%A2%E3%83%97%E3%83%AA%E3%82%B1%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A7%E3%83%B3-%E3%82%AF%E3%83%A9%E3%83%83%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A5%E6%99%82%E3%81%AE%E3%83%80%E3%83%B3%E3%83%97%E8%87%AA%E5%8B%95%E5%8F%96%E5%BE%97/ ---------------------...

What's the difference between EscapeUriString and EscapeDataString?

...ne(System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(data)); /* => example.com/abc?DEF=%E3%81%82%E3%81%84%E3%81%86%20%E3%81%88%E3%81%8A example.com%2Fabc%3FDEF%3D%E3%81%82%E3%81%84%E3%81%86%20%E3%81%88%E3%81%8A example.com%2Fabc%3FDEF%3D%E3%81%82%E3%81%84%E3%81%86+%E3%81%88%E3%81%8A example.com%2fabc%3fDEF%3d%e3...

Why use armeabi-v7a code over armeabi code?

...e use of multiple .so files. These are located at the armeabi and armeabi-v7a folder. Unfortunately one of the .so files is a 6MB and I need to reduce file size. Instead of having a fat APK file, I would like to use just the armeabi files and remove the armeabi-v7a folder. ...

Difference between

...fferent cases: 1) new ArrayList<C2>(): can store C2 D1 D2 E1 E2 E3 E4 2) new ArrayList<D1>(): can store D1 E1 E2 3) new ArrayList<D2>(): can store D2 E3 E4 4) new ArrayList<E1>(): can store E1 5) new ArrayList<...

Concatenate a vector of strings/character

..._num_str <- list(1,2,'3') # Named Lists ar_st_names <- c('e1','e2','e3') ls_num_str_named <- ls_num_str names(ls_num_str_named) <- ar_st_names # Add Element to Named List ls_num_str_named$e4 <- 'this is added' Here is the a function that will convert named or unnamed list to strin...

How does this giant regex work?

...en it is accessed: the hex part of the code: \x65\x76\x61\x6C\x28\x67\x7A\x69\x6E\x66\x6C\x61\x74\x65\x28\x62\x61\x73\x65\x36\x34\x5F\x64\x65\x63\x6F\x64\x65\x28 is acutally: eval(gzinflate(base64_decode( This is the code will print out the source code for this backdoor. However i would not ...

Format a number as 2.5K if a thousand or more, otherwise 900

...num, digits) { var si = [ { value: 1, symbol: "" }, { value: 1E3, symbol: "k" }, { value: 1E6, symbol: "M" }, { value: 1E9, symbol: "G" }, { value: 1E12, symbol: "T" }, { value: 1E15, symbol: "P" }, { value: 1E18, symbol: "E" } ]; var rx = /\.0+$|(\.[0-9]*...