大约有 44,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0217秒) [XML]


How to print SQL statement in codeigniter model

...epting my date format, ive tried every format i think, it will only accept SYSDATE – Technupe May 26 '11 at 17:16  |  show 1 more comment ...

How to select only 1 row from oracle sql?

...the newest entry in the table, assuming that [Date] is always inserted via SYSDATE. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Select count(*) from multiple tables

...hich all accounts can access you can use it for common needs like: "SELECT sysdate FROM dual" – dincerm Mar 3 '09 at 12:47 5 ...

How do I use variables in Oracle SQL Developer?

...n 3.2. The other stuff didn't work for me, but this did: define value1 = 'sysdate' SELECT &&value1 from dual; Also it's the slickest way presented here, yet. (If you omit the "define"-part you'll be prompted for that value) ...

How to check Oracle database for long running queries

...ress = s.address (+) and to_date(c.start_time,'mm/dd/yy hh24:mi:ss') <= sysdate - (15/1440) -- running for 15 minutes order by c.start_time / Step 2: desc v$session Step 3:select sid, serial#,SQL_ADDRESS, status,PREV_SQL_ADDR from v$session where sid='xxxx' //(enter the sid value) Step 4: s...

Inner join vs Where

...o reserve the WHERE clause for limiting the dataset (e.g. WHERE DATE > (SYSDATE - 1)) instead of also defining how the tables relate to each other (e.g. WHERE T1.ID = T2.ID). For a small table like the example in question makes little difference, but for large queries involving several tables and...

What are the uses for Cross Join?

...table, (perhaps he forgot his watch and wanted to read the time via SELECT SYSDATE FROM...) He realized that he still had his DUAL table lying around, and used that. After a while, he tired of seeing the time printed twice, so he eventual deleted one of the rows. Others at Oracle started using his...

Hibernate dialect for Oracle Database 11g?

...have a problem with specific reserved function INTERVAL.. e.g " @Formula(" SYSDATE - INTERVAL '1' HOUR * SHOW_LIMIT_HOURS ") " . I don´t know it is could generate some issue, but seem to be a good solution: stackoverflow.com/a/26907699/1488761 – Eduardo Fabricio ...

Oracle SQL: Update a table with data from another table

...le keys for the join: update fp_active set STATE='E', LAST_DATE_MAJ = sysdate where (client,code) in (select (client,code) from fp_detail where valid = 1) ... The beef is in having the columns that you want to use as the key in parentheses in the where clause before 'in' and have the select...

What's the best practice to round a float to 2 decimals? [duplicate]

...s 0. Do you know how to show always sign and all (2) decimals?? Example: 2.1234 --> 2.12 but 2.1 --> 2.1 but no 2.10 – vgonisanz Jan 18 '12 at 14:36 1 ...