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Apache is downloading php files instead of displaying them

... The correct AddType for php is application/x-httpd-php AddType application/x-httpd-php .php AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps Also make sure your php module is loaded LoadModule php5_module modules/mod_php55.so Whe...

User recognition without cookies or local storage

...ce to increase the accuracy of your results. The NeuralMesh library for PHP allows you to generate Artificial Neural Networks. To implement Bayesian Inference, check out the following links: Implement Bayesian inference using PHP, Part 1 Implement Bayesian inference using PHP, Part 2 Implement ...

Convert a PHP script into a stand-alone windows executable

I want to automate a fairly simple task. For this I have written a small PHP script which I run from the command line using PHP-CLI. Now I want to hand over this script to someone but I do not want to: ...

Where is PHP.ini in Mac OS X Lion? Thought it was in /usr/local/php5/lib

I wanted to run some PHP right on my Mac, uncommented httpd.conf, activated web sharing, installed MySQL etc. I can't seem to find my PHP files, most importantly, PHP.ini. ...

Stop caching for PHP 5.5.3 in MAMP

Installed MAMP on a new Macbook with PHP 5.5.3. 9 Answers 9 ...

Nginx serves .php files as downloads, instead of executing them

...ebsite in a droplet (Digital Ocean). I have a issue for install NGINX with PHP properly. I did a tutorial https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-nginx-mysql-php-lemp-stack-on-ubuntu-14-04 but when I try to run some .php file it's just downloading it... for example......

How to install and run phpize

I have been meaning to install ffmpeg as an extension to my PHP setup. So before I can install it, I need to phpize it. I installed php5-dev by sudo apt-get install php5-dev . But now when I run phpize I get the following error : ...

How can I upload files asynchronously?

... $.ajax({ // Your server script to process the upload url: 'upload.php', type: 'POST', // Form data data: new FormData($('form')[0]), // Tell jQuery not to process data or worry about content-type // You *must* include these options! cache: false, contentType: f...

What are the recommendations for html tag?

...t;/a> where ${uri} basically translates to $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] in PHP, ${pageContext.request.requestURI} in JSP, and #{request.requestURI} in JSF. Noted should be that MVC frameworks like JSF have tags reducing all this boilerplate and removing the need for <base>. See also a.o. What ...

请停下来重新想下 你究竟为何创业? - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...这种成功的概念有多么的狭隘。 首先,请仔细思考这个问题:你为何在这里? “在这里,你可以接触到最顶尖的企业与最火的创业公司:除了是创业公司,世界顶尖企业的高管们也会出席这场关于直击未来的盛会,他们将与...