大约有 3,119 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0266秒) [XML]


Receiver not registered exception error?

...person left a message saying he gets it when they try to open the settings screen of my battery service. As you can see from the error it says that the receiver is not registered. ...

IntelliJ IDEA generating serialVersionUID

...e slowly towards the gutter. At that point the "lightbulb" shows up on the screen. (Try this a few times if it does not work as intended the first time). Then you can click on the create field option to create the uid. Hope this helps people who are stuck on this. – Niyaz ...

Multiline string literal in C#

...de looks ugly as a single line string argument when I am working with full screen editor. But then verbatim adds other invisible characters to the string itself so I could not find any other way. – 5argon May 24 '17 at 10:23 ...

HTML inside Twitter Bootstrap popover

... I found an issue with iOS devices. The popover does work with Touch screen. Have you found a general work around? Actually, I think this also happens to Bootstrap popover code as well. Any ideas? – peter_pilgrim Aug 9 '16 at 0:43 ...

BAT file: Open new cmd window and execute a command in there

...s in side your bat file will open Command prompt and print your message to screen. cmd.exe hello world hope this helps. share | improve this answer | follow ...

What Computer Science concepts should I know? [closed]

...teve Yegge (formerly of Amazon, now at Google): The Five Essential Phone Screen Questions It goes into some detail about the the five most important concepts that developers should be required to know: Basic programming (including recursion, file I/O, formatted output, loops etc) Object orient...

Mac SQLite editor [closed]

...N, XML and MySQL. Importing from CSV, JSON or XML. Column reordering. Full screen support. There is a seven day trial available via the website. If you purchase via our website, use the promo code STACK25 to save 25%. Disclaimer: I'm the developer. ...

Unlimited Bash History [closed]

...default for Ubuntu). If you don't, then certain environments (like running screen sessions) will still truncate your history: # for setting history length see HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE in bash(1) # HISTSIZE=1000 # HISTFILESIZE=2000 Second, add this to the bottom of your .bashrc: # Eternal bash h...

Prompt Dialog in Windows Forms

... Text = caption, StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen }; Label textLabel = new Label() { Left = 50, Top=20, Text=text }; TextBox textBox = new TextBox() { Left = 50, Top=50, Width=400 }; Button confirmation = new Button() { Text = "Ok", Lef...

How Do I Get the Query Builder to Output Its Raw SQL Query as a String?

... To output to the screen the last queries ran you can use this: DB::enableQueryLog(); // Enable query log // Your Eloquent query executed by using get() dd(DB::getQueryLog()); // Show results of log I believe the most recent queries will ...