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Do I need to disable NSLog before release Application?

When releasing an app for iPhone, if I disable NSLog(); will it perform better? 12 Answers ...

Is there any reason for using WebGL instead of 2D Canvas for 2D games/apps?

...n, except performance, for using WebGL instead of 2D-Canvas for 2D games/apps? 9 Answers ...

Difference between res.send and res.json in Express.js

...re not valid JSON. The method also uses the json replacer and json spaces application settings, so you can format JSON with more options. Those options are set like so: app.set('json spaces', 2); app.set('json replacer', replacer); And passed to a JSON.stringify() like so: JSON.stringify(value,...

How to force HTTPS using a web.config file

..."Redirect" url="https://{HTTP_HOST}{REQUEST_URI}" redirectType="Permanent" appendQueryString="false" /> </rule> </rules> </rewrite> </system.webServer> </configuration> P.S. This particular solution has nothing to do with ASP...

How to handle a lost KeyStore password in Android?

...do anymore (I can't or won't give any excuses for it). I want to update my app because I just fixed a bug but it's not possible anymore. What happens if I use the same Keystore but create a new key? Would I still be able to update the app and if it's not possible, how can I go about giving informati...

Node.js vs .Net performance

...e threads requests begin to get queued up. If you're serving "Hello World" apps like the example by @shankar, then this might not matter that much because the threads aren't going to be blocked and you're going to be able to handle a lot of requests before you run out of threads. The problem with t...

Android Studio says “cannot resolve symbol” but project compiles

... and android studio will suggest you import import android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity; Import it, then go back to Open Module Settings and change the compile sdk version back to what it was before. Wait for things to load and voila. ...

Create a custom View by inflating a layout?

...mage, 0) if (drawableId != 0) { val drawable = AppCompatResources.getDrawable(context, drawableId) image_thumb.setImageDrawable(drawable) } text_title.text = text } finally { ta.recycle() } } } cust...

Mixing Angular and ASP.NET MVC/Web api?

...h faster and allows you to build websites that come quite close to desktop applications, without any funky hacks. Angular does have a little learning curve, but once your team has mastered it, you'll build much better websites in less time. Mainly this has to do with the fact that you don't have a...

Difference between a user and a schema in Oracle?

... of all tables, sprocs etc. that make up the database for a given system / application (as in "Developers should discuss with the DBAs about the schema for our new application.") Schema in sense 2. is similar, but not the same as schema in sense 1. E.g. for an application that uses several DB acco...