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Backbone.js: get current route

... hashchange events or pushState, match the appropriate route, and trigger callbacks. You shouldn't ever have to create one of these yourself — you should use the reference to Backbone.history that will be created for you automatically if you make use of Routers with routes. [...]" If you need the...

“Unknown provider: aProvider

...that caused this issue, but I have since been able to find the problem manually. There was a controller function declared on the global scope, instead of using a .controller() call on the application module. So there was something like this: function SomeController( $scope, i18n ) { /* ... */ } ...

How to manage client-side JavaScript dependencies? [closed]

...anage dependencies on the server side, I could not find any that satisfies all my needs to have a coherent client side JavaScript dependency management workflow. I want to satisfy these 5 requirements: ...

List of lists changes reflected across sublists unexpectedly

... When you write [x]*3 you get, essentially, the list [x, x, x]. That is, a list with 3 references to the same x. When you then modify this single x it is visible via all three references to it: x = [1] * 4 l = [x] * 3 print(f"id(x): {id(x)}") # id(x): 1405608979...

Is there a setting on Google Analytics to suppress use of cookies for users who have not yet given c

... implement a mechanism where, on first visit, Google Analytics is automatically disabled in the absence of an opt-in cookie (cookies that determine cookie preferences are explicitly allowed), and then, if an opt-in happens, re-runs Google Analytics. On subsequent pageviews, all would run smoothly. ...

Immutable vs Mutable types

... Almost, but not exactly. Technically, all variables are passed by reference in Python, but have a semantics more like pass by value in C. A counterexample to your analogy is if you do def f(my_list): my_list = [1, 2, 3]. With pass-by-reference in C, the val...

Very Long If Statement in Python [duplicate]

...ther_long_identifier and here_is_another_long_identifier != and_finally_another_long_name): # ... your code here ... pass share | improve this answer | follo...

How to add facebook share button on my website?

... You don't need all that code. All you need are the following lines: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=example.org" target="_blank"> Share on Facebook </a> Documentation can be found at https://developers...

How can I improve my paw detection?

...logy module. This is a fairly common image morphology operation. Basically, you have 5 steps: def find_paws(data, smooth_radius=5, threshold=0.0001): data = sp.ndimage.uniform_filter(data, smooth_radius) thresh = data > threshold filled = sp.ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes(...

What is the best way to ensure only one instance of a Bash script is running? [duplicate]

... If the script is the same across all users, you can use a lockfile approach. If you acquire the lock, proceed else show a message and exit. As an example: [Terminal #1] $ lockfile -r 0 /tmp/the.lock [Terminal #1] $ [Terminal #2] $ lockfile -r 0 /tmp/the....