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How can I force division to be floating point? Division keeps rounding down to 0?

... In Python 2, division of two ints produces an int. In Python 3, it produces a float. We can get the new behaviour by importing from __future__. >>> from __future__ import division >>> a = 4 >>> b = 6 ...

How to stop/terminate a python script from running?

...ts to tokeniza 349 text files! How can I stop it? How can I stop a running Python program? 16 Answers ...

Emacs bulk indent for Python

Working with Python in Emacs if I want to add a try/except to a block of code, I often find that I am having to indent the whole block, line by line. In Emacs, how do you indent the whole block at once. ...

How to declare an array in Python?

How do I declare an array in Python ? 16 Answers 16 ...

Working with UTF-8 encoding in Python source [duplicate]

... In the source header you can declare: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- .... It is described in the PEP 0263: Then you can use UTF-8 in strings: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- u = 'idzie wąż wąską dróżką' uu = u.decode('utf8') s = uu.encod...

Wrapping a C library in Python: C, Cython or ctypes?

I want to call a C library from a Python application. I don't want to wrap the whole API, only the functions and datatypes that are relevant to my case. As I see it, I have three choices: ...

Finding the source code for built-in Python functions?

Is there a way to see how built in functions work in python? I don't mean just how to use them, but also how were they built, what is the code behind sorted or enumerate etc...? ...

Unable to import a module that is definitely installed

..., just running sudo pip install .... Simple fix: sudo chmod -R ugo+rX /lib/python2.7/site-packages/ – jozxyqk Feb 16 '15 at 10:04 3 ...

Running unittest with typical test directory structure

The very common directory structure for even a simple Python module seems to be to separate the unit tests into their own test directory: ...

Convert a python UTC datetime to a local datetime using only python standard library?

I have a python datetime instance that was created using datetime.utcnow() and persisted in database. 12 Answers ...