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Convert XML String to Object

... This web site is much easier than the xsd tool IMO: xmltocsharp.azurewebsites.net – nasch Oct 17 '16 at 16:50 ...

How do I access the host machine itself from the iPhone simulator

I'm developing an app that connects to a web service for most of it's operations. As a shortcut, I'd like to run a copy of my development server on my machine. Question is: ...

What are the disadvantages of using persistent connection in PDO

... I know a big website that has been using persistent connections for nearly a decade now. The trick is using a layer above the DB extension, and having it remember the things that need to be cleaned up by using register_shutdown_function()...

Why is the tag deprecated in HTML?

...er things, this allows switching stylesheets to change the appearance of a Web page without touching the other markup. And to be able to do that for lots of pages in one swell foop. The tools CSS gives you to do this are not always elegant, I'm on your side there. For instance, there is no way to d...

Is That REST API Really RPC? Roy Fielding Seems to Think So

... It's a shame this is basically the only example of such an API on the web! Worse still, there are no good examples of client code that follows the principle at all (that I have found). – jkp Nov 21 '09 at 15:06 ...

What is the proper REST response code for a valid request but an empty data?

... the view' response code). 204 No Content is however, very useful for ajax web services which may want to indicate success without having to return something. (Especially in cases like DELETE or POSTs that don't require feedback). The answer, therefore, to your question is use 404 in your case. 20...

“Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin” error for request made by application ru

... Do I have to install a webserver to test via http://? Or is there a way to simply open the file using that protocol? – Will Sewell Aug 11 '14 at 15:55 ...

When creating HTML emails, should we use html, head, body tags?

...pose some reasons of why following standards could be beneficial here: a webmail willing to show your mail as a full page, could keep your format. a webmail will simply strip the tags and attributes it doesn't want. But you can't never know which ones. It's easier to find (server side) components ...

How to insert an element after another element in JavaScript without using a library?

...nsertAdjacentText() References: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/insertAdjacentElement https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/insertAdjacentHTML https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/insertAdjacentText ...

send/post xml file using curl command line

... Can you mention how to prepare the receiving web page to be able to receive the files uploaded via curl from desktop? – SexyBeast May 4 '15 at 9:17 ...