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How to list npm user-installed packages?
This works pretty well too: npm list -g --depth=0
npm: the Node package manager command line ...
How to go about formatting 1200 to 1.2k in java
Here is a solution that works for any long value and that I find quite readable (the core logic is done in the bottom three lines of ...
How to initialize all members of an array to the same value?
Unless that value is 0 (in which case you can omit some part of the initializer
and the corresponding elements will be initialized to 0), there's no easy way.
Don't overlook the obvious solution, though:
int myArray[10] = { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,...
Python: Append item to list N times
For immutable data types:
l = [0] * 100
# [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...]
l = ['foo'] * 100
# ['foo', 'foo', 'foo', 'foo', ...]
For values that are stored by reference and you may wish to modify later (like sub-lists, or dicts):
l = [{} for x in range(100)]
How to enumerate an enum with String type?
Swift 4.2+
Starting with Swift 4.2 (with Xcode 10), just add protocol conformance to CaseIterable to benefit from allCases. To add this protocol conformance, you simply need to write somewhere:
extension Suit: CaseIterable {}
If the enum is your own, you may specify the c...
Using HTML5/Canvas/JavaScript to take in-browser screenshots
JavaScript can read the DOM and render a fairly accurate representation of that using canvas. I have been working on a script which co...
Cleanest and most Pythonic way to get tomorrow's date?
edited Oct 1 '09 at 22:52
Esteban Küber
33k1313 gold badges7676 silver badges9696 bronze badges
How do I change the formatting of numbers on an axis with ggplot?
...the y-axis are coming out with computer style exponent formatting, i.e. 4e+05, 5e+05, etc. This is obviously unacceptable, so I want to get it to display them as 500,000, 400,000, and so on. Getting a proper exponent notation would also be acceptable.
[] and {} vs list() and dict(), which is better?
>>> from timeit import timeit
>>> timeit("[]")
>>> timeit("list()")
>>> timeit("{}")
>>> timeit("dict()")
and for non-empty:
>>> timeit("[1,2,3]")
int value under 10 convert to string two digit number
depending on what you want
Look at the MSDN article on custom numeric format strings for more options: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/0c899ak8(VS.71).aspx