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Removing all non-numeric characters from string in Python

How do we remove all non-numeric characters from a string in Python? 7 Answers 7 ...

How do I get the opposite (negation) of a Boolean in Python?

...ful if you want to use a function that requires a predicate-function or a callback. For example map or filter: >>> lst = [True, False, True, False] >>> list(map(operator.not_, lst)) [False, True, False, True] >>> lst = [True, False, True, False] >>> list(filter...

Underscore: sortBy() based on multiple attributes

... said, that's pretty hacky. To do this properly you'd probably want to actually use the core JavaScript sort method: patients.sort(function(x, y) { var roomX = x[0].roomNumber; var roomY = y[0].roomNumber; if (roomX !== roomY) { return compare(roomX, roomY); } return compare(x[0].name...

How do I loop through or enumerate a JavaScript object?

...uilt-in key-value pairs that have meta-information. When you loop through all the key-value pairs for an object you're looping through them too. hasOwnPropery() filters these out. – danieltalsky Jan 27 '12 at 15:56 ...

ImportError in importing from sklearn: cannot import name check_build

... Worked for me after installing scipy. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

UIButton Image + Text IOS

... I see very complicated answers, all of them using code. However, if you are using Interface Builder, there is a very easy way to do this: Select the button and set a title and an image. Note that if you set the background instead of the image then the ima...

How to dynamically load a Python class

...hing like this won't work: __import__('foo.bar.baz.qux') You'd have to call the above function like so: my_import('foo.bar.baz.qux') Or in the case of your example: klass = my_import('my_package.my_module.my_class') some_object = klass() EDIT: I was a bit off on this. What you're basicall...

Understanding CUDA grid dimensions, block dimensions and threads organization (simple explanation) [

... threads each: then at a given moment no more than 4*768 threads will be really running in parallel (if you planned more threads, they will be waiting their turn). Software threads are organized in blocks. A block is executed by a multiprocessing unit. The threads of a block can be indentified (in...

super() fails with error: TypeError “argument 1 must be type, not classobj” when parent does not inh

...ss. Change it like so: class B(object): and it will work. super() and all subclass/superclass stuff only works with new-style classes. I recommend you get in the habit of always typing that (object) on any class definition to make sure it is a new-style class. Old-style classes (also known as...

How to set custom favicon in Express?

... In Express 4 Install the favicon middleware and then do: var favicon = require('serve-favicon'); app.use(favicon(__dirname + '/public/images/favicon.ico')); Or better, using the path module: app.use(favicon(path.join(__dirname,'public','ima...