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How to combine two or more querysets in a Django view?

...sets into a list is the simplest approach. If the database will be hit for all querysets anyway (e.g. because the result needs to be sorted), this won't add further cost. from itertools import chain result_list = list(chain(page_list, article_list, post_list)) Using itertools.chain is faster than...

How can I manually generate a .pyc file from a .py file

...n not depend on Python's "import" statement to generate .pyc file automatically 8 Answers ...

How can I find the data structure that represents mine layout of Minesweeper in memory?

...n. I've found this MSDN article on a simple WinDbg command that reveals all the mines but it is old, is not explained in any detail and really isn't what I'm looking for. ...

Call Go functions from C

... You can call Go code from C. it is a confusing proposition though. The process is outlined in the blog post you linked to. But I can see how that isn't very helpful. Here is a short snippet without any unnecessary bits. It should ma...

A semantics for Bash scripts?

...patchwork together little scripts that appear to work. However, I don't really know what's going on, and I was hoping for a more formal introduction to Bash as a programming language. For example: What is the evaluation order? what are the scoping rules? What is the typing discipline, e.g. is ever...

How do I dump an object's fields to the console?

... Adding an inspect method to your class allows you to define how the class' attributes are displayed, rather than rely on default output. A lot of classes don't implement it well, but it can be really useful when debugging. Ruby will fall back to to_s if it can't f...

Preserving signatures of decorated functions

... decorator that does something very generic. For example, it might convert all arguments to a specific type, perform logging, implement memoization, etc. ...

How can I get all the request headers in Django?

I need to get all the Django request headers. From what i've read, Django simply dumps everything into the request.META variable along with a lot aof other data. What would be the best way to get all the headers that the client sent to my Django application? ...

搭建高可用mongodb集群(二)—— 副本集 - 大数据 & AI - 清泛网 - 专注C/...

...(config); #输出成功 { "info" : "Config now saved locally. Should come online in about a minute.", "ok" : 1 } #查看日志,副本集启动成功后,138为主节点PRIMARY,136、137为副本节点SECONDARY。 Sun Dec 29 20:26:13.842 [conn3] replSet repl...

Is there a foreach loop in Go?

...pec#For_range A "for" statement with a "range" clause iterates through all entries of an array, slice, string or map, or values received on a channel. For each entry it assigns iteration values to corresponding iteration variables and then executes the block. As an example: for index, e...