大约有 33,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0484秒) [XML]


Angular HttpPromise: difference between `success`/`error` methods and `then`'s arguments

...enience method when you don't need to chain call nor work with the promise API (for example, in routing). In short: .then() - full power of the promise API but slightly more verbose .success() - doesn't return a promise but offeres slightly more convienient syntax ...

JavaScript and Threads

...change in future. Here's the relevant documentation for Gears: WorkerPool API WHATWG has a Draft Recommendation for worker threads: Web Workers And there's also Mozilla’s DOM Worker Threads Update: June 2009, current state of browser support for JavaScript threads Firefox 3.5 has web worker...

How to compare two Dates without the time portion?

...ask about java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar. It's a thoroughly superior API. If you're doing anything significant with dates/times, you should really use it if you possibly can.) If you're absolutely forced to use the built in API, you should create an instance of Calendar with the appropriate d...

AngularJS HTTP post to PHP and undefined

... In the API I am developing I have a base controller and inside its __construct() method I have the following: if(isset($_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"]) && strpos($_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"], "application/json") !== false) { $_POS...

RestSharp JSON Parameter Posting

I am trying to make a very basic REST call to my MVC 3 API and the parameters I pass in are not binding to the action method. ...

How to install Google Play Services in a Genymotion VM (with no drag and drop support)?

... Does not work for API 16. Returning a dialog with the following: "Open GApps are not available for Android 4.1.1." – Red M Jan 5 '18 at 17:34 ...

NSNotificationCenter addObserver in Swift

... It's the same as the Objective-C API, but uses Swift's syntax. Swift 4.2 & Swift 5: NotificationCenter.default.addObserver( self, selector: #selector(self.batteryLevelChanged), name: UIDevice.batteryLevelDidChangeNotification, object: n...

AngularJS : Initialize service with asynchronous data

...e configuration and do further initialization without the use of low level APIs or jQuery. Using resolve on routes was also not an option because I needed the values to be available as constants when my app is started, even in module.config() blocks. I created a small AngularJS app that loads the ...

Delete all documents from index/type without deleting type

... Ftr: in Elasticsearch 2.0 the delete by query API has been removed from the core and now lives in a plugin. – dtk Nov 16 '15 at 14:41 ...

How to enable/disable bluetooth programmatically in android

... Android BluetoothAdapter docs say it has been available since API Level 5. API Level 5 is Android 2.0. You can try using a backport of the Bluetooth API (have not tried it personally): http://code.google.com/p/backport-android-bluetooth/ ...