大约有 1,100 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0164秒) [XML]


iOS UI系列 (一) :Auto Layout 高度三等 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

iOS UI系列 (一) :Auto Layout 高度三等首先我们创建一个Single View Application然后我们向StoryBoard的ViewController 添加3个UIView, 设置不同的背景色,我们的目的是让这...首先我们创建一个Single View Application 然后我们向StoryBoard的ViewContro...

Normalizing mousewheel speed across browsers

... var o = e.originalEvent, d = o.detail, w = o.wheelDelta, n = 225, n1 = n-1; // Normalize delta d = d ? w && (f = w/d) ? d/f : -d/1.35 : w/120; // Quadratic scale if |d| > 1 d = d < 1 ? d < -1 ? (-Math.pow(d, 2) - n1) / n : d : (Math.pow(d, 2) + n1) / n; // Delta *should* n...

How do I break out of a loop in Perl?

...e examples all print the first 2 lines of the input: echo 1 2 3 4 | xargs -n1 | perl -ne 'last if $. == 3; print;' echo 1 2 3 4 | xargs -n1 | perl -ne 'last LINE if $. == 3; print;' echo 1 2 3 4 | xargs -n1 | perl -pe 'last if $. == 3;' echo 1 2 3 4 | xargs -n1 | perl -pe 'last LINE if $. == 3;' Al...

Make xargs execute the command once for each line of input

... @Wernight: "-n1" does not give 1 invocation per input line. maybe your input line was too long. demo: echo "foo bar" | xargs -n1 echo. hence if you pipe in stuff like 'ls', it won't handle spaces well. – gatoatigrado...

Naming returned columns in Pandas aggregate function? [duplicate]

...es via assign before doing the aggregation: data.assign( f=data['column1'], mean=data['column2'], std=data['column2'] ).groupby('Country').agg(dict(f=sum, mean=np.mean, std=np.std)).reset_index() (Using reset_index turns 'Country', 'f', 'mean', and 'std' all into regular columns with ...

Convert PDF to clean SVG? [closed]

... start "" /D "%_work_dir%" /W "%_inkscape_cmd%" --without-gui --file="%~n1.%_work_x1%" --export-dpi=300 --export-plain-svg="%~n1.%_work_x2%" ) ELSE ( echo End of output ) echo. GOTO :eof :: ===== INKSCAPE REFERENCE ===== :: print inkscape help REM "%_inkscape_cmd%" --help > "%~dp0\inks...

智能手机图形解锁有多少种可能 - 创意 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术


Sql server默认的端口是多少?如何开启远程连接? - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - ...

Sql server默认的端口是多少?如何开启远程连接?默认是1433,可以在配置管理器中查看:需要开放1433端口,可以参考《Windows、Linux开放指定端口》。另外,开启远程连接还需要启用TCP IP,...默认是1433,可以在配置管理器中查看...

Hiding user input on terminal in Linux script

... (using andreas' read -s solution): unset password; while IFS= read -r -s -n1 pass; do if [[ -z $pass ]]; then echo break else echo -n '*' password+=$pass fi done Without being fancy echo "Please enter your username"; read username; echo "Please enter your password"; stty...

Insert a line at specific line number with sed or awk

...' sed: 1: "2i1.5": command i expects \ followed by text $ seq 3|sed $'2i\\\n1.5' 1 1.52 3 $ seq 3|sed $'2i\\\n1.5\n' 1 1.5 2 3 To replace a line, you can use the c (change) or s (substitute) commands with a numeric address: $ seq 3|sed $'2c\\\n1.5\n' 1 1.5 3 $ seq 3|gsed '2c1.5' 1 1.5 3 $ seq 3|s...