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Best way to strip punctuation from a string

...s working with the same datatype, but the approach in this answer works equally well for both, which is handy. – Richard J Jan 16 '15 at 9:35 38 ...

What does the C++ standard state the size of int, long type to be?

... value of the CHAR_BIT macro that defines the number of bits in a byte. In all but the most obscure platforms it's 8, and it can't be less than 8. One additional constraint for char is that its size is always 1 byte, or CHAR_BIT bits (hence the name). This is stated explicitly in the standard. The C...

Explode PHP string by new line

...from. So please use the solution from @Alin_Purcaru (three down) to cover all your bases (and upvote his answer): $skuList = preg_split('/\r\n|\r|\n/', $_POST['skuList']); share | improve this an...

Local variables in nested functions

...ints to the local variable cage in the get_petters function. When you actually call the function, that closure is then used to look at the value of cage in the surrounding scope at the time you call the function. Here lies the problem. By the time you call your functions, the get_petters function i...

maximum value of int

...imum value. Same goes for the C macros/constants. – dalle Dec 31 '09 at 11:29 4 in C99 you can al...

SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude)

...n. 2) Now you can loop on these filtered data and determine if they are really near your point (in the circle) or not using the following methods: public static boolean pointIsInCircle(PointF pointForCheck, PointF center, double radius) { if (getDistanceBetweenTwoPoints(pointFo...

ExpressJS How to structure an application?

... December 2016 How big is your application? Web applications are not all the same, and there's not, in my opinion, a single code structure that should be applied to all express.js applications. If your application is small, you don't need such a deep directory structure as exemplified here. J...

C# Sanitize File Name

... And another potentially great SO user goes walking... This function is great. Thank you Adrevdm... – Dan Rosenstark Aug 1 '09 at 2:15 ...

Dynamically updating plot in matplotlib

...out the more modern animation examples in the matplotlib documentation. Finally, the animation API defines a function FuncAnimation which animates a function in time. This function could just be the function you use to acquire your data. Each method basically sets the data property of the object be...

Queue.Queue vs. collections.deque

...nd collections.deque serve different purposes. Queue.Queue is intended for allowing different threads to communicate using queued messages/data, whereas collections.deque is simply intended as a datastructure. That's why Queue.Queue has methods like put_nowait(), get_nowait(), and join(), whereas co...