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Git Server Like GitHub? [closed]

... Gitorious is an open source web interface to git that you can run on your own server, much like github: http://getgitorious.com/ Update: http://gitlab.org/ is another alternative now as well. Update 2: Gitorious has now joined with GitLab ...

Preventing form resubmission

...edirect. (Now days you do not need redirection at all. See this) PRG is a web development design pattern that prevents some duplicate form submissions which means, Submit form (Post Request 1) -> Redirect -> Get (Request 2) Under the hood Redirect status code - HTTP 1.0 with HTTP 302 or HT...

JavaScript unit test tools for TDD

...r unit testing. The Protractor is for end-to-end testing and uses Selenium Web Driver to drive tests. Both have been made by the Angular team. You can use any assertion-library you want with either. Screencast: Karma Getting started related: Should I be using Protractor or Karma for my end-to-end t...

Set inputType for an EditText Programmatically?

...ARIATION_VISIBLE_PASSWORD)); inputTypes.add(new InputTypeItem("textWebEditText", InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_WEB_EDIT_TEXT)); inputTypes.add(new InputTypeItem("textWebEmailAddress", InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_WEB_EMAIL_ADD...

Get protocol, domain, and port from URL

...makes it easy to access search params. Another bonus: it can be used in a Web Worker since it doesn't depend on the DOM. const url = new URL('http://example.com:12345/blog/foo/bar?startIndex=1&pageSize=10'); Method 2 (old way): Use the browser's built-in parser in the DOM Use this if you ne...

What exactly is Java EE?

...he so-called application servers, like WildFly, TomEE, GlassFish, Liberty, WebLogic, etc. There are also servlet containers which implement only the JSP/Servlet part of the huge Java EE API, such as Tomcat, Jetty, etc. We, Java EE developers, should write code utilizing the specification (i.e. impor...

How can I make Jenkins CI with Git trigger on pushes to master?

...the Poll SCM like in the accepted answer, but it has options to set up the webhook automatically and a couple other features. – dosentmatter Mar 22 '18 at 8:29 ...

Nginx reverse proxy causing 504 Gateway Timeout

...reverse proxy that takes requests then does a proxy_pass to get the actual web application from the upstream server running on port 8001. ...

Catch multiple exceptions at once?

... if (ex is FormatException || ex is OverflowException) { WebId = Guid.Empty; return; } throw; } share | improve this answer | follow ...

HTML table with 100% width, with vertical scroll inside tbody [duplicate]

...scroll */ overflow-x: hidden; /* Hide the horizontal scroll */ } Web browsers display the thead and tbody elements as row-group (table-header-group and table-row-group) by default. Once we change that, the inside tr elements doesn't fill the entire space of their container. In order to f...